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Dedicated to dear @Angel_Of_The_Stage for being the first person to vote!!YAY! 

yeah yeah sorry for interrupting...please continue.


Sasuke reached the edge of the clearing. He and Sakura were discussing about how Naruto was suddenly able to make such logical arguments.

He saw Kakashi standing in the center, the book no longer in his hands. Huh. Maybe he finally wants to fight.

Sasuke threw 3shurikens at his sensei while running to another bush. He watched as Kakashi easily blocked the shurikens. He turned to the bush Sasuke was previously hiding in and suddenly, he threw a Kunai towards Sasuke's current position.

Sasuke managed to dodge it. Shit, he's good.

Sasuke ran out. This was no time to waste. He attacked Kakashi with a flurry of attacks which were easily blocked.
He punched his sensei, who held his fist and twisted him. Sasuke turned in midair and reached out for the bell when he saw that there was only....1bell?!

How the hell did that happen? Is it a trick?

He jumped back and pointed towards the bell.
"Did you lose the other bell?" He asked.

Kakashi stared impassively at him.
"No. Your teammate earned it."

Sasuke froze. No way did.... He couldn't.... He couldn't even throw shurikens properly and here?!

"Naruto...?" Sasuke whispered.

"Yes. Even I was surprised since he's nothing like what his report says..." Kakashi said.

Sasuke glared at the man. No way was he gonna lose to a deadlast like Naruto.

He charged.

"YOU MUST HAVE GONE SOFT ON HIM!" He yelled while throwing few shurikens.

"Absolutely not. I do not go soft on my students." Kakashi said as he jumped to dodge the shurikens.

Sasuke was about to punch him when Kakashi held out his hand. (✋ like this) "Time's up."

The alarm rang.

Sasuke growled in frustration.


"Hey where's Naruto?!" Sakura screamed. "Shouldn't he be tied up as well??"

Kakashi sighed. "Apparently not. "

"Why not?!!!" Sakura screeched.

"Because I got the bells." Naruto appeared out of nowhere on top of the third pole. "Unlike you two."

Sasuke growled. "How the hell were you able to do that dobe?!"

"Now now..." Naruto picked up his lunch. "I dunno...got lucky I guess."

Kakashi raised his eyebrows and said " I'll be back in a moment, if you try to free your teammates or feed them...I WILL FAIL YOU." With that threat Kakashi shushinied away.

Naruto began eating his lunch when he heard a growl coming from sakura.

"Hey you hungry?" He asked.

"Of course not-" her stomach growled. She blushed.

"Here," he held out a bite from his lunch.

Sakura was flabbergasted while Sasuke watched with a deep frown.

"What- You will fail you idiot! And anyways WHAT DO U THINK YOU'RE DOING!" Sakura screamed the last part. Ignoring as hurt flashed across naruto's face.

"I-" he started but was cut off when Kakashi appeared in a vortex of swirling leaves.

"What did I say about sharing your lunch Naruto Uzumaki?"

"I CANT JUST LEAVE MY TEAM YA KNOW!" he shouted back. This surprised his teammates.

We both know you would kill them if you had the chance. Kurama said coldly.

Not if they behaved themselves.

You are such a liar Naruto.

I must. Anyways...it just helps me develop a rather... necessary skill.

Kakashi's expression changed and he eye smiled.

"Well done Naruto. Just because you realise the importance of teamwork, " he released Sasuke and Sakura "You all pass."

Sasuke and sakura's jaw dropped. What Naruto said was...true!

"Remember," Kakashi began grimly "Those who break the rules are scum. But those who abandon their comrades are worse than scum."

The three genins nodded.

"Well, you have the rest of the day free." Kakashi smiled and shushinied away.

All Naruto wanted right now was to go home and lay there. But of quietly went away, his team might notice. Might as well keep up that sakura thing.

"Hey Sakura-chan do you want to go on a date with me? We could have Ramen?" He asked.

"EXCUSE ME WHAT?! How dare you! Of course not. Especially after today! Did you actually try to feed me??" She yelled.

Wow. She hates me enough that she would rather die of hunger than let me feed her. Go figure.

Kurama snorted.

Naruto looked down."oh well. Sorry for bothering you guys." He waved and went away.

He heard Sasuke grumble something but it didn't matter.

Tonight Kurama, we work on my speed.

We won't if you're planning on skipping lunch.

Oh come on. I don't need to-

If you're going to say you don't need to eat then I'll say you don't need to train.

What? Hmph.

Naruto changed his direction and headed for Ichiraku's. They made the best Ramen and were the only people Naruto knew who genuinely liked him.



I hope you liked the chappie.
I don't have much to say except that I'll be skipping to the waves mission soon.

Oh and btw, my final exams are coming up....sigh.

After that I shall be freeeeeeee!!!
(Or maybe I will rather be watching shippuden.)

Anyways! I like how the story has been going so far. I think I'll make him sorta bipolar....maybe.

Ok dattebayo!

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