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Alright first thanks for reading this story I'm so happy!!! So many reads (5K)and almost 200 votes!! Yay!

Second- my summer vacations started!

Third- I finally finished Naruto and I was so happy and giddy!!

Fourth- I'm gonna watch Tokyo Ghoul Cuz...call me a sucker for cute-and-inoccent-guy/girl-turns-badass-after-torture-thingy.
Hehe. Moving on...

He whistled as he lounged on a tree near the training camps, thinking about the several ways people could die.

"Hey." A voice said. He turned around to meet a pair of bright yellow eyes on the opposite tree branch.

"Keito." Naruto said with a sigh of relief. After all not everyone could sneak up on him.
(Keito is the Guy on top)
Keito was around 15 with red, long hair that came upto his shoulders. He wore a red kimono with gold lining and carried two Katanas. He was the one who had taught Naruto kenjutsu and had saved him on various occasions, so basically, Naruto owed him. A lot. Not money but he did. If that makes any sense.


Keito crouched on the branch with a rather graceful poise. Naruto secretly envied him and his grace. Keito could jump and run as if gravity didn't affect him, as if he was gliding, and Naruto suspected that he did it on purpose around him.
It didn't help that Keito was a fox.

His hearing and sense of smell was far greater than Naruto and so he had taken on the job of training Naruto... Well, he was like an elder brother to him, but not exactly like an elder brother. If that makes any sense...oh wait. (Author Apologizes)

"So what are you doing here?" Keito asked. Naruto laid back down and closed his eyes and said, "You know, the usual. We had too weed this rich old lady's garden and She was one of the OMG-I-NEED-TO-SAVE-THIS-VILLAGE-FROM-THIS-FOX-DEMON-SO-LET'S-BOYCOTT-HIM group, and her servants told me to get lost- BUT politely. So....yeah."
Keito laughed and Naruto opened an eye "Hey, what's so funny." He asked with an accusatory tone.
"Who thought you could speak so much. You must be pissed." Keito laughed some more.
He tipped back but didn't fall, obviously due to channeling chakra to his feet.

"When are you getting out of this hell hole." A girls voice came from directly above him. "kAMI!" He shouted in surprise as he crouched with his kunai in his hand. "Oh my god Hitomi. Stop sneaking up on me."Naruto said exasperatedly.

"Your senses have dulled." She stated, staring straight into his eyes. Her sea green eyes bore into his and he, not wanting to look intimidated, narrowed his own eyes.
"No, your senses improved."Naruto stated, but she kept staring at him.


"Whatcha looking at old lady

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"Whatcha looking at old lady." He said.
"An ugly punk." She retorted, sitting up on the branch.
Unlike Keito she wore a black shirt with a leather belt and jacket. Her pants were full of pockets with various weapons and scrolls. Being a weapon master she was skilled with almost every kind of sword and shurikens and whatnot, whereas Naruto had had a hard time only learning the basics of "The Proper Weilding Of Katana" or something like that. Weapons were the only thing that Keito and Hitomi agreed on which was the only reason of them staying a team.

"So, that sunflower kinda died." Naruto said, picking out a turquoise hair from his jacket.

"Of course it did, do want me to get ya an immortal one from Orochimaru or something?" She snorted.

"That would be nice...." Naruto mumbled. "So what are you doing here?"
Keito held out a scroll and told Naruto about how they had spotted Zabuza Momochi and his....minion. "We managed to get it to the Hokage so maybe they're going to dispatch a team of ANBU or something." He said.
"Kakashi would be dispatched too. If they use the right tactic and you know..." Hitomi said.

"Hmmm" Naruto replied. He had read about Zabuza, a rather formidable enemy. He was known to have an Ice user with him... very rare.

"So, when are you getting out of this hell hole? " She asked again. Her turquoise hair shone under the sun and her eyes glinted with part anger part frustration. She hated seeing Naruto being treated like this. If Lord Kurama liked him what right did those villagers have to hurt him? Had he ever done anything to them? They made him what what he is today, and they're lucky to not have encountered it yet.

"Uh...I don't know..." Naruto said, which surprised Hitomi. She looked at his with confusion when Keito said with a lopsided grin (like his pic) "You like that Sasuke don't you?"

Naruto's eyes widened. "WHAT? WHEN DID I SAY THAT? NO NO no. No. I'm not into...THAT KIND of stuff are you crazy?" He stared him with shock.

Keito laughed again. "As a friend you baka." He said and grinned, earning a low kick which he easily dodged. "Hehe"

"One thing," Naruto asked Hitomi, "That I don't understand is, how you get these scrolls to the Hokage."

Hitomi waved her hand as if it was nothing.
"Oh it's nothing. We just put it in the right place and wait for them to find it out. It's just coded enough for them to think of it as some information carried by rogue ninjas."

"Clever." Naruto commented, impressed.
"I know right. Humans should ask for our help more, but NO. Superiority Complex." He spat out the last part in mock disgust.

Naruto rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly as if apologizing for those humans with superiority complex.
"Alright,we gotta go now." Hitomi said standing up.
She held out a scroll and told Naruto to practice whatever was in there, she would train him properly later.

"Yeah yeah." Naruto said, as he watched those two turn into foxes -their natural state- one was bright red with orange streaks while the other was bright turquoise (sure looked rather out of place) with a grey streak. They ran off into the bushes as Naruto started towards his house.
Hey all!
Just wanted to introduced some new characters and sorry hinataandnaruto2 it wasn't Konan and Nagari but I swear when you said that I was like, wait, what if I do that? But then it would mess with my original ideas so yeah...

(Spoiler alert?)
Scott totally saved their ass I'm telling you. If it wasn't for him they couldn't have done anything!
Oh and Thor. Well thor. You looked like melted ice cream.
And Captain America. I wanna shout at you but at the same time I don't want to.
Iron man. I love ya.
Oh and thank you for those Loki scenes. Absolutely cherished them.

On the other hand, I'm so happy for all these reads and votes thank you so much. I'm gonna cry....;_;

You should totally go watch Endgame guys.
Oh and who's from Uzbekistan, UAE, Phillipines, Malaysia, Poland, UK, Saudi Arabia and Germany etc. Wow. This is so diverse I mean. Wow . You know what. Tell me where you're from.  I Promise I'm not some hacker or terrorist who's also an otaku or something.

So long. Please vote,comment,share and follow.

Yours Truly,

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