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Team 7 had gathered on their regular spot on the bridge, and as always Kakashi was late.

Sasuke leaned on the railing, Sakura sat cross-legged plucking the petals from a flower and Naruto was leaning on his stomach on the railing reading a scroll. It was actually information from Keito and Hitomi, they were returning in a few days from the sand village, where they had gone to "inspect some suspicious behaviour". Huh. Whatever. It said something about a jinchuuriki, but Naruto wasn't bothered by that, after all he had the nine tails, the strongest bijuu. What did he have to worry about? 

"What have you got there?" Sakura asked him again, she now held another wildflower and was slowly dissecting it. "Nothing, just a scroll." he replied. But this time Sasuke asked him too. "You've been reading with a lot of concentration. What is it about?". Naruto sighed. For some dumb reason he could never resist Sasuke's queries, after all he rarely raised any and whenever he did, it made that topic seem, questionable. 

With a sigh, Naruto rolled the scroll and kept it in his jacket. "Just a little something from a friend." he replied evenly. His tone seemed to challenge Sasuke, and so he retorted with "Who, your red haired friend?" 

Naruto froze for a second but it was enough for Sasuke to take notice. He smirked, What? You thought we don't know? Who is he anyway? I don't know any red haired person in Konoha." 

"You don't know anyone.", Naruto grumbled, but Sakura perked up, "Yeah, I know everyone in this village, but I dunno anyone with red hair..." She hoped this small action from her side would result in Sasuke smiling down at her and maybe even consider going on a date with her..but alas. He kept on glaring at the blonde before them, silently chgallenging him to spill the beans. 

But it wasn't as if he was unprepared. He had thought that they would confront him about this. Not about Keito though, he didn't know that Mr. Yoshizuke  told them about him, he totally hadn't anticipated that, and would prefer if they didn't know about his fox summons. But, still, he had a good excuse to snake his way around this one. 

"Who told you that?" He asked coldly. "Mr. Yoshizuke, I suppose you know him?" Sasuke replied, he tilted his head forward in a pointed manner. "Of course I do, but what I mean is, why did he tell you?" Naruto asked, burrowing his hands in his jacket's pockets, where they brushed against the scroll.

"We asked him you idiot." Sakura sneered, which was quite the wrong thing to say as Sasuke discreetly rolled his eyes. So much for having the upper hand. 

"So, you were following me?" Naruto raised his eyebrow at them, of course he knew they followed him that day, but still, he needed to make them understand, that they should stay out of his life. "No we were not," Sasuke tried making up for Sakura's...erm....slip up, rather, intentional slip up. "We were only passing by that shop, and happened to see you enter that shop. So we asked the owner if it actually was you." 

Naruto was impressed. That was a nice cover up. But cover ups can't hide facts, especially when you know them.

With a final sigh, Naruto told them, "It's none of your business, and he's not from here so you wouldn't know him."

As if on cue, in a swirl of fresh green leaves appeared...any guesses? KAKASHI!! (nvrmind)

"Sup, kids? " He said cheerfully, only to be met with a "You're late." from all three of his students.

"Aaahhh..about that, you see, an old lady needed help with her groceries and so..." He trailed off with an awkward laugh and rubbed the back of his head with an apologetic smile.

The three genins sweatdropped at the terrible excuse.

"But! Anyways! I have some news! some good news..." He jumped down from the railing and eyesmiled witha mysterious air. "Say what now sensei?" Naruto deadpanned. Kakashi regained his composure and whipped out three forms. "You see, I think you should participate in the chunin exams." He told them. He looked at them for a while and finally Sakura said, " Are you asking us?" to which Kakashi replied, "yup."

"Well, you kinda forgot the question mark and...nevermind." Naruto grumbled. 

After staring at his form for a long time, Sasuke asked, "You really think we're ready?"

Kakashi looked at him, remembering his days at the ANBU with the Uchiha prodigy, Itachi Uchiha, and couldn't help but compare the two brothers. He looked at Naruto, his sensei's son, who didn't even know that. Kakashi couldn't help but compare him to his dad as well, and...to be completely honest, they were nowhere near their predecessors. As for Sakura...well she was from a civilian family, it would be a miracle if she even passed the chuunin exams.

So, with a sigh but honestly he told them, that they were not, in fact, ready. But, he held up a hand, and told them that there was still enough time for training. 

"2 months is a long time,and don't worry, you can do it, and anyways, you can always try again later."

He finished with a dismissive wave of his hand. It was enough to calm down Sakura but not the boys. Each of them raged with mixed emotions. For Sasuke it was the first step to defeating Itachi and  rebuild his clan. He thought that this wasn't just an ordinary test, but the only way to prove to his brother, himself, and everyone else that he was in fact the best and that the Uchiha will always be the the best. If he couldn't even defeat these genins, how could he hope to win against Itachi? He gripped paper harder, and then glanced at Naruto, who held the paper lightly as if it was a joke. His nonchalant expression made Sasuke angrier, especially since the way he used to see Naruto had radically changed, only in a few weeks. Who knew what else he was hiding, how  strong he actually was. And what if everyone was equally strong? What if he was the one who was left behind?

Naruto held the paper lightly. Finally, his ticket to freedom. Once he passed, everything, everything, would change. He knew for a fact that he was considerably stronger than Sasuke, but what if he awakened his Sharingan in the months leading upto the exams? What if he lost to someone from another village? He couldn't lose. He couldn't let all those...things happen to him again.  It was frustrating, the fact that he knew so less about the other villages, their strengths and and trump cards. He made a mental note to himself to ask Keito and Hitomi to gather some info on them for him. He looked at Sasuke, who was visibly anxious. Naruto scoffed lightly. It was pitiful how  someone so proud could so easily be swayed by the mere aspect of a challenge. Huh.



So, 1170 words eh? Do y'all think I've improved? How was it? Ok, so chunin exams coming up which is sorta like our first checkpoint..hehee.

Anyways, THANKS A TON for so many reads(9.2 K)and votes!! You are all so supportive!! :D

So, tell me if you want something added or something, and yes, opinions are welcome, though excuse my silly mistakes..hehe(awkward laughter)

So, Vote, Comment, share and follow!

P.S I've kinda entered into this Naruto Watty thing, so It would be appreciated if you would vote! Thanks a ton! It means a lot!!

Yours Truly,


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