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The Forest of Death huh? 

It wasn't as intimidating as Naruto had expected. A few hours had passed and they overhead a passing team that 2 teams had already cleared this stage. 

"AHHHH! Are we even going to encounter anyone?" Naruto whined. So far, they hadn't met anyone. Most of them had decided to finish it fast and probably died. They must have run off to some secluded area of the forest because even Naruto wasn't able to sense anyone.

Sasuke squinted off into the distance and asked who should carry the scroll.

"Umm, what?" Sakura questioned him like a dumb fool.

"I said. Who. should. carry. the. scroll?" Sasuke repeated. 

Definitely not Sakura. Naruto thought, shaking his head.

"How about me? Do you actually think they would target someone as glorious as me? they would cower in fear!" Naruto sparkled and looked up to the sky with his fists balled, like he had just vowed to protect every single dog in the world.

"Yeah....NO." Sakura deadpanned, but Sasuke nodded. 

"Don't hand it over no matter what." He tossed the scroll to a surprised Naruto who barely caught it.

Ah shit. Responsibilty.

"Hey, you know I was just kidding right? Sasuke?" Naruto tried to get rid of the scroll, but Sasuke looked at him with eyes that said "I trust you."

And that sent shivers down the blond's spine.

Bold of you to trust me. Naruto thought as he pocketed the scroll.

They started moving again when Naruto felt something. A lot of chakra signatures had suddenly appeared. Sasuke looked behind and signaled Naruto. 

"Sakura up!" Sasuke shouted and she quickly jumped higher into the trees. It might cause the enemy to believe tht she had the scroll, or she could hide, or she could attack from behind. 

Anyways, Naruto and Sasuke now stood on the same branch scouring for the enemy ninjas. 

Naruto couldn't see anyone but he could clearly feel their presence and so could Sasuke. 

Kurama, watch this. With that Naruto crouched down and placed a finger on the ground. 

1....2....5....7! "7 of them." Naruto informed Sasuke who gave him a questioning look but didn't say anything.

Kurama looked...shocked.

Where did you learn that from? He asked.

I created it? Why does this jutsu already exist?

Yeah, well, the Fourth was able to use a much much more advanced version of this.

Really? That's so cool! You see I figured I was good at sensing chakra signature so I thougght what if I enhanced that by sending out chakra of my own and, voila!

Good for ya Kit. Kurama smiled like a proud parent.

Shurikens flew at them as Sasuke roasted them with the fireball jutsu. 

"Alright give us your scroll losers." Naruto pushed forward and sent 2 kunais flying with deadly accuracy and two people jumped away. 

"Ayy, Its you guys. Whats up with the masks yo? Ya look like aliens." This was only to buy time, Naruto noted how none of them even had a mark, whereas his kunais should have atleast grazed them. "Nevermind then." Naruto jumped and threw down many shurikens attached to invisible thread and completely trapped the two masked ninjas. He smirked at them and pulled the thread.

Now. Normal ninjas with flesh and blood would have been deeply cut and plead. BUT. These people...MELTED?

"What the...?" Naruto furrowed his brows as Sasuke jumped down. 
"Something like your shadow clones." He said.

"Yeah...duck!" They ducked just as two well aimed kunais flew at them.  

"I thought,.. you said duck." Sasuke muttered as he readied to counterattack.

"Yeah I did say duck!" Naruto created more than 10 shadow clones which charged in the direction of the kunais.

"I meant the floaty duck. The bird." Sasuke muttered, clearly embarrassed.

"WHAT?!" Naruto stopped and stared at the Uchiha for a whole minute and then, said.

"Nevermind let's just, kill them ok?".


After a really really long battle, where they finally figured out who the real ninjas were and who the clones were, they finally were able to defeat them, BUT. THEY HAD AN EARTH SCROLL AS WELL.

"CAN WE ASK WHICH SCROLL THEY HAVE BEFORE FIGHTING THEM? DO REALISE HOW MUCH TIME AND ENERGY WE WOULD HAVE SAVEN ? OH MY GOD!" Naruto was rambling and Sasuke was building a fire as it had already gotten dark. 

"Where the hell is Sakura?" He asked and sent Naruto to find her. He came a few minutes later with a very cheerful Sakura.

That useless imp didn't even show her goddamn face in the battle. Naruto grumbled inwardly while she cuddled, or atleast tried to cuddle Sasuke. "So did you get the scroll?" she asked sweetly, to Sasuke who ignored her. Pouting she turned to Naruto, "Hey you, did we getthe scrool or what?" 

Holy damn. What's with that tone? And if we had got the scroll, why the hell would we be building a damn fire?  This was what Naruto wanted to shout back at her, but instead he replied with a sheepish face, "Nah, turns out they were carrying an earth scroll as well." 

Sakura rolled her eyes and slapped Naruto's head. "Ya couldn't have checked before fighting them? You wasted my poor Sasuke's time and energy!"

"My?"  Sasuke mumbled to himself. 

"Hey what are ya hitting me for? You weren't even there!" Naruto snapped at her, and he really enjoyed seeing her face turn red.

"Whatever." She grumbled and sat down. "We need to keep turns on the lookout. Ill go first." She declared in an obvious attempt to redeem herself.  

"Whatever. Go colllect some food while there's still light. Meet back here after 30 minutes. " Sasuke instructed the two and they went off in search of food.


"Just cook it quickly man." Naruto grumbled. He brought back unnaturally large fish, which he was sure shouldn't exist in Konoha, but well, who cares.

"Wow, you're so greedy Naruto. He's cooking for you and all you care about is eating." Sakura taunted him, and Naruto deadpanned with "The smoke might attract enemies.", shutting up the pink gypsy.

Soon, their food was done and after deciding that they would take turns to keep watch every 3 hrs, they slept in the hollow of a giant tree.

"Let's get some heaven scroll tomorrow." Naruto told Sasuke, who hned in response.

"We'll...ask them before attacking alright?"


"I can't tell whether you're asleep or replying."


"Ok then."



First of all, sorry for not updating. I was just really busy with school concert practice and all. 

Anyways, here's a chapter to make up. I'm not sure its up to y'all's expectation, but...its something so, sorry.

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