Chapter 6

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Lisa took a big bite of her apple as her eyes are focused on the movie that was playing. It was Sunday afternoon. Her first relaxed Sunday afternoon after weeks of non-stop work. She wore her pajamas and her socks and her feet were on the table. She miss. this- to have absolutely nothing. do and around.

"Lisa." She rolled her eyes at the shouts of her name but she didn't budge an inch. Its was her Sunday morning. No one can disturb her. Not even the loud woman. She ignored it and kept. watching the

"Didn't you hear me?" Jennie stood in front of the TV, crossed her arms on her chest with an unhappy look on her face.

"Don't you see I am watching?" she pointed the flat screen. "Move!" she shooed the latter.

"Nope, no more TV for you," Jennie turned it off earning disapproving look by Lisa. "You have to get ready. We're going to your parents house for dinner." The lawyer took away the remote from Lisa and put it neatly at the table. "And we have to buy wine for the gift."

"Why must we have dinner with my parents?" She groaned. "Cant we just order pizza or something?" 

The thought of her parents and Jennie being in the same room somewhat made her uneasy. She'd be in big trouble should Jennie told them about her mistresses and she cant stand to heard her parents blabbering her childhood and her teen phase to Jennie- which apparently a compulsory task for every parents ever to their soon to be daughter in law.

"Tomorrow is Valentine's day. Your mother asked us to get lunch with them and she told me literally to drag you out of the house if I have to"

"Wait a sec, she asked you? Did she call you?" she frown..

"No, she came to my office yesterday. Now come on!" Jennie pulled her hand forcefully. "Don't be such a baby, Lisa-ah!"

"Wait, why didn't she call me? Her own daughter?"

"You'll turn her down and she doesn't wanna do long speech because it wont work on you anymore. We got two hours, make it quick, Lisa."

The taller girl sulked all the way to her room and took the longest bath in her life. Jennie knocked on the door countless time- nevertheless she sung even louder. When she got out of the bathroom, the raged Jennie was siding on her bed with furious look.

"You should know by now that I'm not afraid of you. Not even a slight bit. Now would you excuse me, I want to get dress or well... I don't mind if you want to stay and watch." She smirked.

Jennie's eyes widened at the statement and she quit with redden cheeks. She'll wrath at Lisa later.


"This wine is really good. Thank you, my dear." Lisa's morn reached out to held Jennie's hand as she squeeze it.

"You're very welcome, Mrs. Manoban." She smiled brightly.

", would you stop call us Mr. and Mrs. Kim? That sounds so distant." The old guy chimed in.

"That's right. Jennie, honey. You should call us mom and dad. Just like Lisa did. You're also our daughter after all."

"Okay, mom." She said awkwardly. 

"And dad too," Mr. Manoban playfully glared at her. 

"And dad,too" Jennie said with her gummy-smile.

Lisa ate in full silence mode as she observed the interaction surround her. Her mom and dad were obviously happy with Jennie. She couldn't really blame them. Jennie was pretty, and kind and friendly and smart. She was practically stole everybody's heart effortlessly. Meanwhile, Lisa was the reserved, moody, gloomy person to begin with. She won't start a conversation if the others didn't make the first move. People would easily judge her as an antisocial kind of person.

Well, yes she'd go to party her fellow friends threw. And ofcourse she went to the finest club full of people she didn't even knew existed, but she mostly drunk when she went clubbing. She just wanted to drown her sorrow and let loose. She didn't need to introduce herself or talked about her private live. She checked in then checked out the first thing in the morning after.

The way her parent treated Jennie was nothing to compare with her previous lover- no, her previous girl- no, her ex was more like it. She didn't want to remember her as her girl let alone her lover. She was just an ex.


Lisa's parents didn't really welcomed at her ex. They were plainly flat at her. Even her father having a hard time to accept that she was in love with her but at least he was civil. Don't bother to spoke about her mom, she was frankly unable to hide her objection towards her. 

Lisa knew, from the look on her parents eyes, from the way they praised Jennie, and how comfortable they were with her- this was the real deal. There was no way to get out of this mess without not disappointing her parents.

"Hey, you awfully quiet. Is everything okay?" Jennie whispered brought her back from her reverie.

"Huh? Yeah, I'm fine-was just thinking," She said in lowered voice. Her parents were busy with some kind of old jokes that didn't even funny at all.

"So, Lisa, honey. How was work?" Her dad asked.

"Umm, good," She replied shortly. She shoved another cutlet into her mouth.

"Just... good?"

"Yeah, everything is good."

"We're expecting some details, actually." The oldest woman said sarcastically.

"I'm making a proposal to do research on growing a heart." She answered nonchalantly. 

"Really," Jennie tilted her head- asking me to verity. 

"Woah, that is so cool!" 

"Yep, kinda cool." She chuckled. 

"You have to make it, darling. I'm so proud of you!" 

"Wait." Her mom spoke sternly, making everyone shut up in an instant. "Jennie didn't know about it? How come you don, tell her?"

Lisa frowned at the statement. Why would she told Jennie about it? What did it has to do with her?

"Well?" Her mother pressed. "I uh- I don't think it would be interested for her," she tried to reasoned. 

"Are you uninterested, Jennie darling?" Her mom asked

"Who would be uninterested? That is a really great thing. Even unimaginable for me before." The lawyer mid truthfully but earning a sharp glared from Lisa anyway. Jennie gave her the 'what?' look an her face.

"See? And what is your problem, Lisa to not tell your spouse about it?"


"This will affect your in one way to another. She needs to understand why you could to get home on time or if you have to work at home so you'd spend less time with her," she said. "This is not just about you alone anymore, my dear. You have to think about Jennie too,"

"Your mom is right, baby girl,"

"Don't call me that, dad" Lisa sulked.

"I think your communication is not good enough." She shook her head. "The foundation on building a great family is communication. You talk and she'll listen. She talk and you will listen. That's how you open up to each other. Relationship doesn't work on quiet, silence environment. It won't survive. I know that is not easy considering you guys probably just start to warming up to each other but..." she took a long breath. "Try, okay? All you have to do is try, my children." She finished her long speech and continued on doing her lunch leaving the two enemies dumbfounded.

Yep. Just adding up another reason she hated the idea of meal with the parents.

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