Chapter 17 (Part 2)

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Lisa huffed up from the couch to get whoever rang the doorbell. At first she ignored it but the person behind it was too persistent and Jennie looked like she wont get up unless earthquake happened.

"Coming!" she shouted.

As she opened the door, an old man- known as the doorman of her apartment stood by her door with big box in his hand covering his chest.

"Ms. Lisa? This gift is for you." He handed over the box to the girl. 

"Uh, who's this from?" She asked. 

"A driver gave it to me earlier, miss. He said there's a card. He didn't say anything else." 

"Okay then, thank you, Ahjussi." The old man excused himself as Lisa closed the door wondering what was in the box. 

"Who's that?" Jennie questioned her-she noticed the object Lisa carried. "What's that?"

"Let's find out. The ahjussi didn't know who sent it as well." Lisa ripped the wrapping paper and spotted a card with recognized handwriting on it. 

Happy Birthday, Sweet Heart.

It's your favorite toys when you're little. It imprinted in our mind how cute you were when you were all serious on making your imagination into the real form. Enjoy it, baby girl.

We hope to see you soon. 

-Love, Mom and Dad 

Lisa read it out loud. She gave Jennie the card to let her read 

"They don't usually send birthday gift." Lisa said to no one.


"Because I asked them not to," she replied. "Besides, my birthday is like a month ago."

"I meet your mother today, we had brunch together before she had to take off to Singapore," Jennie spoke. "And I may or may not mention to her our little celebration." She smiled guiltily.

"I told her about the cake, she got excited and I thought it wasn't a big deal so I told kind of her. Sorry."

"Why would you be sorry?" 

"I thought you're mad?" 

"Why would I be mad?" 

"You know why, Lisa-ah." Jennie whined earning a laugh from Lisa.

"I'm not mad, Nini. If anything, I'm glad." She squeezed her hand. "My parents are kind of people who loves to enjoy themselves to have a party at any occasion. I let them down when I say that I don't want to celebrate my birthday ever again."

"May I know why?"

"Bad things happen at my birthday. It is not something I want to remember. But then you came and change it."

Jennie smiled. "Is it a bad thing or a good thing?"

"Good, for sure." Lisa pressed the urge to kiss the other girl. It wasn't because of the hurt of rejection but more to Jennie's comfort. She won't force her to do something she didn't want. Undeniably, they were still in early stage of relationship. Kissing on the lips was probably sacral or something to Jennie. 



"Should you call them? Say thank you, maybe?" Jennie suggested.

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