Chapter 7

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She opened the door, steeped off of her shoes and hung her jacket then walked inside the living room. She putted her back on the couch and made her way to the kitchen.

She set down her take away Chinese food, took the chopstick inside the plastic bag then began to chew. The cook was really tasty. The place was her favorite restaurant near the hospital.

It was still a few hours before Jennie came home. The thought of it somehow troubled her. The stillness was crepes her out. A few hours in this house without her was- in one way to another was way too Iong. She was unaccustomed of being alone in her house ever since Jennie moved in- at least not for five hours long,

I'll be home after 8. Don't skip meals.

She read the message over and over again. After eight she said. She sighed inwardly. She got home early because she planned to do her proposal in peaceful place. Hospital definitely wasn't a peaceful place to stay. There were too many heart post card, pink stuff and all since it was Valentines day. She got headache just looked at it.

But...who would've thought that she'd felt weirder in her house just because the person who she said she loathed was absent. 

She took back her bag, turned off the lamp then stamped out of her apartment back to her second home- the hospital. She'd locked herself in her office to prevent the headache.


The horn from her back made her turn around. A familiar car approached her not far from where she was standing. She stood with her hand in her jeans pocket waiting for the car to stop perfectly in front of her.

It was really cold. Her nose and cheeks redden by the weather. 

The driver lowered the window. "I thought you'd be home by 3?" 

"Don't feel like going home at 3" She lied through her teeth. 

"Come on in, it's freezing out side." She clicked open the lock. 

"Whew." She sighed relieved. "You're right. It's really cold," 

"You shouldn't be walking at this hour." Jennie said as she drove away. 

"Jennie, it's 9 p.m. nothing to worry about," 

"Just don't argue with mean this. We both know how unsafe it is," 

"I learned Taekwondo when I was in junior high school"

"Yeah, like! believe it." The lawyer snorted. 

"'Yah! I'm telling the truth!" 

"Show me, then." She challenged her.

"I will. Just you wait and see" She huffed cutely not aware of the smile Jennie made because of her act. "Can we buy ice cream first?"

"It's cold! Why would you eat ice cream in weather like this?" 

"I just want it. We run out of it, we need to buy another bucket." 

"We? You mean you?" 

"Whatever. Just stop at the nearest ice cream shop, okay." 

"Have you had dinner?"

"Yes I have. There...there, stop there, I'll be quick" She pointed at the Baskin Robbin sign.

Jennie pulled up the hand brake and stopping the over excited Lisa before she could escape.

"We can eat here, if you want" The shorter girl offered. 

"Really, You're not tired?"

"Not really. Lets just eat it here. But only one scoop, Lisa. One scoop."

The both of the women walk out of the car then stepped into the shop earning a warm welcomed from the staff. They nodded a little as they reach the counter and order.

"Hmmm, I'll have milk ice cream and..."

"One chocolate flavored ice cream, please." Jennie cut her. "Only one, Lisa. We can buy a bucket later,"

"Fine. You're such a dictator. Geez"

They sat at the table that closest to the window so they can see people doing whatever they were doing. There were a few people at the shop though it wasn't that packed. Most of them were couples, real couples, from all age.

Lisa busied herself in digging her ice cream. Jennie had to diff a laugh every time she watched Lisa ate her favorite food in the world. She secretly liked the moment because it was just pure. The girl in front of her right now wasn't the annoying, arrogant girl. She was just Lisa Manoban and her ice cream. Pure and innocent Lisa Manoban and her ice cream.



"I got something for you."

"Hmm?" she still occupied with her thing, did not noticed what Jennie had pulled out from her bag.

"Here you go."

Lisa glanced at the yellow box then to Jennie. She actually stopped eating, tilted her head-thinking.

"What's this for?" She finally asked.

"Don't you want to open it first?" She kept her voice steady, in spite of the fact that she was afraid Lisa would reject it.

"Is it for Valentines? Because I don't celebrate Valentine's day." Her tone was cold.

"No, no that's not for-Valentine's." She quickly said. "I went to the mall today and I saw that, I thought yours is already- you know have a lot of stain and kind of ripped here and there so I just bought it." She rambled. Lisa's reaction was totally took her by surprise.

"What's this?"

"Phone case," There was no use to play since Lisa seemed too distant.

"Oh." Lisa took the box and open the yellow wrapped paper and withdrawn the content.

She stared at the clear yellow phone case on her hand. She quietly remove her old phone case and changed it to the new one.

"Thanks," she looked closely at the later. "It looks good, thanks." She said, still reserved.

"No problem," Jennie said coolly. Mentally noted to herself to never give Lisa impromptu present on common celebration days ever again.

The situation was unpleasantly quiet for Jennie liking. She cursed herself for being too forward and unfortunately Lisa wasn't even that delighted receiving her gift.

"I'm done." Lisa leaned against the chair- stroking her tummy. "I'm so full." She said cheerfully, grinning satisfied-ly.

Okay, now Jennie confused again. Lisa was gloomy one minute ago and now she acted like nothing happen.

"Are you done with that?" She pointed at the leftover cake. "Cause if you are, I can finish it."

Lalisa, I can never understand you. 

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