Chapter 14

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Lazily she opened her eyes. No vomit feeling but the dizziness still twirled at the back of her head. She forgot what happened in reality or in her dream. She was pretty sure she saw her face, heard her voice but she couldn't put her fingers where.

Her eyes were so heavy, she was helpless to keep it open. Quiet atmosphere enabled her ears to hear the footsteps coming closer to her place. Was she with anyone before?

The door cracked yet she can't produce any sound aside from a groan. It was hard to stay awake let alone yell. If it were indeed rubbers, she'd let them take all her belonging. It was probably a good idea if they kill her so she didn't need to endure more pain.

"Lisa? You awake?" Hearing that familiar voice made her wanted to scream. Pity, her head didn't permit her. Instead, it pulled her in slumber state. "Go back to sleep. I'll be here when you wake up." She felt burning sensation on certain part of her forehead. It faded away concomitantly with gentle caress at her eyebrow.

She hated it to admit that it calmed her somehow.


"What is it?" 

"Open it."

"Wha- Where did you get all of this?'"

"Do you remember that one of my friend who was craw for photography?"

"The one with curly hair? Yeah, why?" 

"She gave it for me, she said I'd love it more than she do." 

"How did she take these photos?" 

"She had a project called 'the stare' with her fellow photography club back in high school, most of her picture was yours." 

"Did I really do this, though?I don't remember." 

"It wasn't Photoshop, sweet heart."

"I know, it's just-"

"Thank you." 

"Hm? For what?" 

"Looking at me like I'm the only one in the world. For making me feel special." 

"Well, you are" 


"You promised me!"

"I know and I keep it. We're just had to move it another time. We're still on- on it."

"I can't believe you!" 

"I'm so sorry I forget. It won't happen again." 

"You said it last time yet still hem we are." 

"They'll be down if I cancel it." 

"Don't you think I'd be disappoint now you cancel on me?"

"I'm so sorry, please understand." 


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