Electric blue eyes

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Sofia's POV

My lips were firmly set as I passed through the half wasted population, away from that arrogant man with an ego bigger than the sky itself. Eyes narrowed and the irritation still formed on my forehead, I tried to ignore the racing of my heart along with the flutterings down my stomach despite the frenzy.

The sudden temperature I felt in the room wasn't due to tons of people dancing around me, or my anger. It was an effect of staying too close to someone.

A set of electric blue eyes still stared at me at the back of my mind, where his deep husky voice still could be heard. And among the adverse smell of alcohol and sweat, his intoxicating cologne still lingered in my senses.

I shook my head, taking my mind off of the outer beauty to the inner. I swear to God, I haven't seen such an ill-mannered, arrogant and infuriating man in my whole life! He really thought I was pulling some tricks to get his attention?

I wish I had a pin to punch a hole into the inflated balloon of his huge ego.

The rumors about him did justice to his personality. One meeting, and I already had an idea what an ass he was.

My phone rang, halting me in my place. And my breath followed behind seeing the caller ID.


Shit! I needed to go somewhere quiet to talk to him. He couldn't know where we were.

My eyes glanced around in the search of a convenient place to talk to my brother. And the only place that came into my mind was outside.

The prickling sensation of being watched came back alive in my mind. Whirling around, my gaze roamed around the packed club carefully. Nothing seemed usual. But the feeling was still there in my perturbed mind. I felt it even when I went to use the washroom.

Maybe getting out of home, without any bodyguards, and coming among so many people is causing me anxiety?

The ringtone of my phone blared again. So ignoring my anxiousness for a moment, I walked out of the main entrance. As soon as the doors of the entrance closed, blaring music trapped inside the barrier.

"Max?" I tried to keep my voice chirpy. "Hey! Uh, sorry I didn't take your call at the first ring. Actually, I was with the girls and my phone was on charge. Didn't see it then."

Silence regarded me for a moment before he finally spoke, "You should keep your phone with you always, Tomato. You know, for safety purposes?"

He gave me this nickname in our childhood. And his reason was, whenever I was mad or embarrassed, I turned all red. Just like a tomato. Of course I hated it at first, but with time, I got used to it.

"I know, Max. But I'm at Aunt Marie's, so there's no need to worry about it," I said, crossing my fingers, praying to God that he was buying my lies. Otherwise, we would be doomed.

"Hmm, but still Tomato; safety first, no matter where you're. Anyway, when are you coming back? I will come to pick you up."

"No!" I bit my tongue for answering too quickly. "Uh, I mean, you don't need to come here. I'm staying the night. Didn't the guards tell you? They will come back in the morning to take me back. Sam will also accompany. So, no need to worry."

Oh God! Why am I being so nervous?

"Alright then! Don't go out anywhere, and have fun."

"Okay, see you later. Bye!"

I sighed in relief, cutting the call. Thank God, he didn't suspect anything! And now all I wanted was to return home and sleep. The excitement I felt earlier didn't quite exist anymore.

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