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Adrian's POV

Loosing the knot of my tie, I paced around my office. My jaw clenched and unclenched, fists shook to destroy something; my vision turned red.

How dare that leech come into my office building and abuse one of my employees! And then he dared try to hit Sofia! My Sofia!

Fucking criminal bastard!

My entire frame shook with rage. My hands itched to curl around his throat and…

The thoughts disturbed me. My lips thinned at my own lack of self control.

No! I've handed him over to the police, and made sure he rots behind the cells for the rest of his life. I didn't need to stoop to his standard. I didn't need to behave like a mindless criminal, some dirt of a local gang.

I was not him.

Even the word: criminal, brought a bitter taste in my mouth. But it didn't matter how much I loathed them and didn't want to be one, if he got that unfortunate to touch even a strand of the hair of my Sofia, he would've cursed the day he was born.

Running my hand through my hair at the back of my head, I strode to the small bar situated beside the floor to ceiling window. Adding three cubes of ice in the glass, I poured my regular: Chateau Lafite in it.

Standing before the window, my gaze went outside. The colorful lights of the busy street and the bittersweet taste of the wine helped me soothe the fire of my rage.

I was busy in a meeting when Sasha, my secretary, informed me about the chaos on the first floor. Despite the high security, he somehow managed in through the exit. An acquaintance of his in the security helped him. And that guard got immediate termination after I handled that drunk criminal.

When I reached at the scene, I saw her pushing him away from Emma, the girl that man claimed to be his girlfriend. I saw how no one else had moved from their place to help that girl, but she did, without a second thought.

Though I admired her bravery, it was a complete rash behavior. That man was a murderer and carried a gun with him. He could've hurt her for God's sake! What was she thinking? Even her brother and his secretary stood behind like cowards!

And where were her worthless bodyguards when she decided to go for the rescuing mission endangering herself in the process?

My fingers tightened around the glass as I cursed under my breath. That girl was a trouble. The moment her enticing green eyes met mine at the club, I knew she was gonna be a trouble for me.

A beautiful trouble to say.

Despite my frustration, a warm strange sensation spread across my chest. In my entire life, I hadn't met anyone who could arrest my mind like she had. The moment I set my eyes on her, I knew she was going to give me sleepless nights. And she did.

I didn't know why, but I couldn't stop thinking of her. Even every time when my eyes closed, I saw her beautiful face, her intoxicating green eyes.

Every time I saw her, my hands itched to touch her porcelain skin, skim my nose on her long neck and breathe her in as if she was my oxygen. My mind craved to pull her closer and run my fingers through her wavy chestnut locks. My mouth desired to taste the sweetness of her pink lips, and all the other places she hides under those clothes of hers.

She didn't even need to touch me to make me an addict of her. The defiance and mischievousness in her eyes, her clumsiness, her turning all red whenever she was angry or embarrassed; everything about her pulled me in. I wondered what would happen when I finally would get a taste of her.

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