Easy isn't my forte

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Passing another hallway, I couldn't help but admire the huge oval shaped mirrors against the walls, at the end of each corridor. The little sparkling butterflies and golden flowers littered at the edges provided them a sight of royalty, and a feel of celestial.

On the other side, the canvases drowned in the sea of colors, urging me to halt and take a look at them. Some of them looked so factual, it seemed they would come out alive at any moment. The walls, the huge chandeliers, and the flower vases, all were crafted with golden touch. The name, Golden Palace, did justice to this edifice. Everything in it reminded me of gold.

When we reached the penthouse, the guards took post right behind me. Loud music floated outside through the closed door.

Is he working out at this time?

He had a habit of enjoying blasting music while he worked out.

Knowing he wouldn't hear the bell, I pounded my fist on the door several times and waited.

After a moment, the music slowed down before the door cracked open. Thus a girl with wild hair and a skimpy black dress, one sleeve hanging down her shoulder, came out. Cheeks flushed, breathing laboured and lips swollen as she eyed me up and down. An annoyance set on her forehead.

Well, he definitely was working out.

Clearing my throat, I stretched my lips into a smile. "Hi! I'm here to see Max."

She raised one of her arched brows. "May I know why?" Her eyes went to the paper bag of cupcakes in my hand. "I don't think we ordered anything."

My eyes widened slightly.

Did she think I was a delivery girl?

Not that it was something bad. Those who did this job worked pretty hard for it. But would four bodyguards accompany one up here?

"No, they aren't ordered. I made them for my..."

"Oh, I know," she cut me off. "What tricks some little fishes use to impress the big sharks. But sorry sweetheart, not this one. You're not his taste. He wants class and you don't have it."

My lips parted at her exaggeration. How delusional a person could be?

I had the urge to throw up at her use of words. He was my brother for God's sake!

Crossing my arms over my chest, I took a step forward. "Oh yeah? Then how come a low class like you managed to get into my brother's apartment?"

Now it was her turn to be shocked. She stared at me with her now pale face and wide eyes. At the exact time, Max appeared at the door.

"Who is it?" A frown of surprise formed on his face when he saw me outside. "Sofia? What are you doing here?"

"Just came to see you. But a certain someone crossed my path." My eyes fell on that girl as her eyes darted to me from Max nervously, like a mouse trapped between two cats with nowhere to go.

Max followed my gaze and his frown deepened. "What's the matter? Did something happen here?"

She pleaded me with her gaze, all of a sudden looking as innocent as a nun.

I shook my head.

How people could change colors like lizards with just a blink of an eye?

"What happened here, Ruby?" Max pressured, his eyes stern on her.

"Nothing, Max. Leave it. Can we go inside? I've got cupcakes for you," I said, not wanting to push it anymore.

He definitely sensed something, but he didn't query any further. Nodding his head, he simply told her to leave and she took the chance as a golden ticket. If she knew my brother's temper, then she did the wisest thing of her existence by leaving.

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