Wicked businessesman

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I wiped my sweaty palm against the black pencil skirt and smoothed the royal blue blouse I chose to wear today for this special day. My first day at the office.

I still couldn't believe I was standing here today, before the large office building. It's not that it was my first time coming here. I did, many times. But I didn't come here as an employee then.

Though I could just work here as an owner, beside Alex. I had chosen to prove my worth before expecting people to work for me. Despite the dismay of my family, they were proud of my decision, I knew it. I saw it in Dad and Mom's eyes.

It was still a matter of disbelief for me; the sudden change of my life. I still couldn't believe Dad would give me the permission to work with Alex.

Even if I was going to work in my own family business, with my own brother, I was nervous. I couldn't tame the restless butterflies fluttering in my tummy no matter how much I tried. My heart still palpitated down my chest.

What if everyone doesn't like me? What if I fall on my butt in front of the whole office? What if...

Shaking my head, I took a deep breath.

Everything will be fine.

Summoning some courage inside me, I walked inside. The guards followed close behind.

The sound of my heels clanked against the tiled marble floor as I approached the reception area. While I just prayed in my mind not to slip on the slippery polished ground. I've always had a dislike towards this sleepiness of marvel floors. I always felt I'd slip if I walked too fast.

And once I was at the reception, I found Shawn waiting for me, Alex's secretary.

"Look who is here!" His chirpy voice made me smile. "Isn't it the goddess of beauty herself gracing us with her presence?"

"Shawn!" I pulled him in a bear hug. "How are you? It's been so long!"

An offended look claimed over his features. "Of course it is! I remain busy with my job all the time and you can't even give a call to this poor man to ask his whereabouts."

"Oh, come on now! Don't be a sulky face. What's with you today anyway?"

I eyed his loose tie, sweaty shirt and a tired face. That was so unlikely to him. He had a habit of looking his best even at his worst time.

"Having a busy morning?"

A huff.

"Don't ask. The big shark is here. He needs everything uptight. One mistake, and my ass will be gone. Though, I won't mind giving him my ass. He is one hell of a fine piece." He winked, making me chuckle.

"Who is this big shark of yours?"

"The owner of the company who allotted this new project to us and Blake Corp., It's a long history. I will tell you later. Come on, Alex is waiting for you," saying, he ushered me towards the elevator.

"Alex won't be happy if he learns his secretary is calling him by his name," I teased.

"Well, he has much more issues to handle today than being mad at his secretary."

I didn't give much thought to his response, as we made our way inside the elevator.

They must be having a really busy day.

Knocking two times on the door of the conference room, Shawn held it open for me.

Mouthing him a 'thank you', I walked inside with hesitant legs.

The butterflies in my tummy now went crazy seeing so many people in there, seated around the huge table in the middle of the room. And all of their eyes were on me.

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