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My visit to the pizza shop in a busy street, despite the guards' disagreement, reached Dad's ears. And that didn't sit well with him.

I reached home to a fuming Dad welcoming me with his wrath. I didn't understand why he was so mad? It's not that I went there without any protection. And who would dare to attack me in the middle of a busy store? But that didn't deter him from insulting me before the guards, enunciating how careless and foolish I was.

And that only fueled the fire of my smoldering temperament.

"Didn't you think what could be the result of your ridiculous act? How can you be so foolish going between so many unknown people? Did you forget your promise that easily?"

"I didn't break my promise. I promised not to go anywhere without any protection, and I didn't. They were with me all the time."

"There is no point taking protection if you're throwing yourself literally in the danger's den!" His voice boomed. "I put them with you so that you can follow the protocol and abide by the rules. You do what they say, not the other way around. This is their job to keep you safe. And you're obstructing them from doing so! You-"

"I don't see why you're being so riled up on such a mild thing? I just went to buy a pizza," I queried, my mind filled with confusion.

"Do not cut me off when I'm talking!" he snapped.

"I will!" I replied with equal intensity. "I will if you keep treating me like that without giving me a solid explanation. I know there is danger out there, and that's why I let you assign those guards with me. But that doesn't mean I can't even go to a shop and buy a freaking pizza!"

I lost my control. I don't remember when was the last time I talked to him like that. But everyone had a breaking point. And this was mine.

"Stop treating like a caged animal who can't go anywhere without their master's leash! Do I have even a say in anything? Do my opinions even matter to you? Even these guards have more independence than me."

His eyes flashed with rage. "Don't you know the reason? One mistake, and you're dead! Do you understand? Dead!"

"So what? Let them kill me. At least I won't have to live like a puppet without any pinch of life in it. At least I won't have to live hiding in a corner like a coward in the fear of getting killed by some enemies." My breathing was harsh, my heart thumped loud with the hot lava in my veins while my eyes burned with the severity of it. At this point I didn't care if they really did it. I've been through much worse things than death.

"Sofia!" Mom gasped.

"You're not the only one with enemies. There are also other crime gangs out there. I don't see any of them keeping their families locked into the house. Yes, they do have protection. But they also have independence. They don't have to abide by their guards! Like I have to." I gulped the thick lump of tears. "They have a life, Dad. And I don't. So I don't care if someone comes and kills me. Because I don't give a shit anymore! I'm done with it!" With that, I turned around and stormed out of the room, leaving them with a pin dropping silence.


Mom tried to talk to me, but I didn't let her in. I needed some time. All the frustration and pent up anger had hit me at once, pouring out of me like a lava. I couldn't stop talking once I started. But it didn't mean what I said was wrong. Every bit of it was true and a mirror of what had been wrecking through my mind all these years.

I stayed on my bed, staring at the dreamcatcher, trying my best to keep the stream of tears in, until a familiar voice floated in from the other side of the door.

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