Ch.5 I Need A Sign...Please

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~~~~Shiori's P.O.V.~~~~

Day 87 of the Dragon Head Feud.

I wake with a sudden start and immediately sit up.

"Easy. You just woke up."

I look at my surroundings.

"You're in the infirmary. You're safe."

I look to my left to see Chuuya sitting in a chair. He was right next to my bed.

"What happened?"

"You were ambushed. Your were out cold for fifteen days."

As he said that, everything slowly comes back to me.

I remember now. Our ambush didn't work. The building exploded, ability users attacked us, and the Pale Qilin... Shibusawa Tatsuhiko... Dazai...!

"Where's Dazai-san?"

"...We don't know. We've been looking for the last two weeks. He's gone. We don't know if he's dead or alive... Hey!"

I immediately climb out of bed, ignoring the pain in my body.

"I must find Dazai-san. I need orders. His orders."

"You have a broken arm, damaged ribs, and a sprain ankle. I'm not letting you leave!"

"You're not my boss. Dazai-san said so."

He was taken back from my monotone words.

"Shiori...listen to me, please."

He sits me down back onto the bed. He then takes both of my hands in his.

"You need to rest. We're looking for Dazai. When we find him, you'll be the first to know. But you need to focus on you now. You look like a puppy who's lost her owner."

I don't feel anything. So why is there tears falling from my eyes? Is this like the time with Randou?


I couldn't stop the tears. They just kept coming. Chuuya gently hugs me to try to calm me down.

"I need a sign...please. I want him alive."

"So you feel something, huh?" Chuuya pulls away and looks at me. "Dazai would be so upset that he didn't get to see this first. Maybe you should save it for when he returns. It would make him happy. This will be our little secret."

Chuuya wipes my tears and kindly smiles.



"Are you really my mom?"

This ticked him off.

"Who told you that?!"

"Dazai-san. He said, a few months ago, that he was like my dad and that your were my mom, since you're his partner."

"That idiot! I'm not your mother."


Chuuya looks away embarrassed as he said this next part.

"But, I kind of see you little sister."

I look at him.

"Chuuya-san's little sister? Okay, Onii-chan."

He becomes flustered.

"D-Don't call me that! Geez, who needs Dazai when we have his copy right here?!"

I small sound escapes my lips.

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