Chapter Four

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Coming to a newly different country made her realized many things; one, she was an adult without any supervision from her parents, two, she's passed the age of eighteen and Karina can do what she pleases, and lastly, she has to be responsible in her actions.

Karina remembered her weeks-old puppy in her home, having a dog is a huge obligation and she fears if she didn't feed him once it'd be a huge disaster. Call it overreacting but it was her belief.

And right now, the dog wasn't the only one weighing down her shoulders. It was the man, the chafing stranger, she rescued. Was it too late to back down from her agreement with Doctor Meyer? Maybe.

"What?" Her voice was laced with blatant incredulity. Karina, unbeknowst, had already stood up and exited the bar. Her feet sore from wearing heels, and she silently cursed at herself for not choosing a more comfortable footwear.

"I'm already in my car. The guard saw him going east. He can't get too far. Richard mentioned he was limping. Judging his room is on the third floor, he might rendered a few scrapes here and there." Olivia replied.

A hand went to her forehead. "Oh, God. He's unbelievable." Karina was mortified and worried, more so that she thought. If there was one thing Karina knew about Orm from their small encounter, the man is stubborn and thick-headed.

The roaring of an engine entered the line. "Where are you?"

Shivering languidly, the cold, midnight wind enveloped her bare shoulders and legs. Her stomach couldn't stop churning. Karina didn't know if it was the guilt for not finishing her friends' performance like she promised or if it was for Orm.

She assumed it was the first one.

"Outside Hampbell's. I'm waiting for a cab right now to take me to where he might be." She answered, her hand flying upwards. In cue, a black cab pulled on the side and halted. Karina entered, her chest heaving.

Olivia was shocked. "You know where he is?"

She blinked and bit her lip. Somehow, her talk with Orm earlier made her account ludicrous concepts. Perhaps it was just her having random guesses but it was a good start to look for him, right?

"I'll call you later, doc." She dismissed and ended the call.

"Where to, miss?" The cab driver asked, his eyes boring into her as their eyes met on the mirror.

"To the nearest sea here, sir, and make it quick."

The driver was mostly taken aback by Karina's answer but did not question about it.

Karina had her eyes trained at every pavement they passed, eyes calculating and searching. Sweat began to form in her palms and forehead, the sticky air conditioning didn't help one bit. Rolling down the windshield, cold air fanned her face and she relaxed simultaneously.

Soon, sights of buildings, streetlamps, and trees were now docks, piers, and fishing boats. Down by the curb, Karina saw a figure walking towards one of the docks, with a hand clutched at his stomach.

She knew it was him and she thanked the gods above for finesse in remembering things.

She sucks in a breath and requested the driver to stop. She threw the bill rather harshly and muttered an apology.

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