Chapter Seven

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Down below the depths of the ocean, somewhere near an uncharted archipelago in the pacific ocean, beneath the very blue of trenches, volacanoes, and mounty rocks where no living creature dared to be alive and no sunlight managed to crept its way.

A tall figure swam towards an underwater cave where darkness resided. Broken metals and scraps of what was once a battle ship had served as a fence to cast any creature that would dare to come inside. The surroundings were envoloped by large bolder of rocks, chains, and sharpened woods keeping outsiders out.

The ambiance was sickening enough to put any one from continuing their pursuit. The man ignored the eerieness and how the hair on his skin stood up. He stopped at the opening of the cave and outstretched his arms and, by command, the triton radiated a cadescent hue of gold.

The stench of death and blood entered his nostrils. Arthur's eyes stared calculating before speeding up and entering. The triton provided enough light to see his way through, even his Atlantean vision couldn't bypass the heavy miasma that exist inside.

The entrance was deep, deeper than the King anticipated.

There was a ray of light at the end of a tunnel, a small shimmer that captured Arthur's attention. Conjuring a small amount of energy in his footwork, he halted, somehow contemplating on resuming,but the image of his kingdom and his family surfaced giving him a boost.

Arthur leaped through the whole and gasp in a lungful of air, only to find that there was no water inside. The ground shook as his feet came contact to the ground.

He clutched the triton by his arms tightly, his stance guarded. There were no signs of life inside, only layers of spiky rocks and clay mounded on walls.

He eyed the place wearily, his churning stomach sensing unfamiliar visitors.

Or was it him the one intruding?

As he sauntered closely towards one of the rocks that caught his attention, the very ground beneath him shook and wavered. Arthur's head snapped at his feet.

"Oh, shit." He muttered before the ground rumbled and he fell down the gaping hole. He curse at his fall and tried to clamber his hands and trident at the sides, hoping for a ledge to help him.

Arthur was met by the hard ground on his back.

He groaned painfully and rolled on his back, eyeing the depth of the whole that he fell in.

Standing up, his eyes scanned the area. It was eerily silent and the ambiance made Arthur's skin crawl.

The place he was in was mystical and almost familiar. But not enough amount of light could make his vision clear. Clutching the triton by his side, he commanded it to glow, and it did, lighting the room.

The first thing Arthur saw were the engravings on the walls, like in the caves where drawings of their ancestors left. The walls had ancient drawings and patterns on it, seemingly primordial texts, and figures of the sea, sun, and land.

He was at lost for words as the figures were stories. He halted as he saw a drawing of a dragon, erupting from the surface and engulfing the nine moons on the skies.

His eyebrows furrowed.

"I see my siblings sent me a toy for me to play with. It is getting lonesome." A raspy voice resonated, making Arthur's blood ran cold.

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