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Two days after eid...

Layla expected them to have gone back to their own home but they were still stuck here with a pedophile father in law and a mother in law that didn't care about whatever is going on under her roof.

She and Amna were gisting before Amna was called and she left her alone in the room. She picked up her phone and she scrolled through her gallery looking through the pictures of plants and trees she had taken.

Amna came back to the room and begged her to escort her to the nearest supermarket to get something for her mom. After much persuasion, she stood up and she followed Amna.

They got to the supermarket and they bought everything they sent them. They were going back home and they were playing on the street. Layla felt happy for the first time in a long time.
Amna was crossing the street in a zig zag manner and Layla kept on warning her to stop but she didn't.

As she was crossing to come and meet Layla, she didn't see a vehicle coming at her back at full speed. The car hit her and she was flinged to the other side of the road. Layla screamed for help as the car drove away at full speed without stopping to check who he hit.

People trooped out of their shop and Amna was rushed into a car that took them to the nearest hospital. Layla called Nur and she explained what happened to him. Soon the hospital was filled with everyone.

Layla kept on praying that Amna should be fine and she sat in a far corner while amna was taken into the ER.


Layla sat in a corner near the ER while she prayed hard for God to spare Amna's life. Doctors have been going in and coming out and they didn't even answer them nor acknowledge them.

A tall doctor came out and she wiped her face with an handkerchief after removing her disposable gloves.

"family of Amna elRufai?" she asked in a thick yoruba accent and they all rushed towards her. She smiled at them to ease them of their worries.

"my name is Doctor Iyabo Kuforiji, may I see her mother please?"
Nur's mom followed her to her office where she offered her a seat.

"your daughter is safe now, thank God but she won't be able to walk for now. in due time, she will be able to walk. maybe six months or so.
there's also a pressing issue I noticed, I woild have asked her but she's tired now and she needs to rest. She's being abused sexually and its constant. the injuries are evident that its constant. Do you know anything about that?"

Amna's mum took a deep breath, no one was going to believe ElRufai actually abused Amna. its a lost case that's not worth fighting for.

"excuse me Dr. but Amna isn't abused and she stays with her immediate family. if there's nothing else, I would like to go. thank you ince again doctor"

"Mrs elrufai, I won't argue with you since you said it isn't happening. but remember close relations abuse children too. Since your mind is made up, remember that you've failed as a mother if such a thing goes on under your roof and you don't know about it. if you will excuse me, I have other patients I have to attend to"

they both shook hands and they walked out of the office together.


Layla sat in the corner in her room praying to God to come and save her. she has never seen Nur that angry before.

When his mum came out of the doctor's office and she broke the news to them that Amna won't be able to walk for now, he dragged out of the hospital building and he pushed her into the car.

she tried to ask what she did but he didn't even answer, he drove to their home and he pulled her inside the house. He left her in the sitting room and he went upstairs.

she walked carefully to her room with her heart beating wildly in her chest. she prayed to God to save her life. He was so angry that smoke was always coming out of his eyes.

The way he threw the door open made her jumped in surprise. Her heart rate picked up again as she saw him holding two belts. she prayed that he wasn't about to hit her. But who was she kidding, he was holding two belts.

"undress now" he spoke with so much authority and Layla removed all the clothes on her body remaining only her underwear.

he dropped the second belt and folded the first one into two. Tears were already gathering in her eyes and she prayed for a miracle to happen.

"why did you push my sister to the coming vehicle?"
she was shocked at his question and she shook her head to say No. words didn't form in her throat as she shook her head.

Nur raised the belt to hit her and she closed her eyes to anticipate the coming of the pain. she let out a piercing scream when the belt came in contact with her skin.

He ignored her screams and he continue to hit her all over her body. She cried to the stage where she lost her voice. He didnt stop hitting her even after she laid still on the floor.

Welcome to the main part of the story,From here its about to get messy 😁😁😁😁😁😁
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