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Kingston's POV. ......

"Herrington, wait up." My best bud yelled.

"You know Quinn, you don't need to yell I'm sure half the schools population heard you." I said in my normal tone of voice. I heard a few hell yeahs and some chuckles from the others in the court yard.

"Shut up." he said shaking his head and blushing. My dear friend Lincoln Quinn is not the brightest tool in the shed. But he is one off closest friends.

"So you all packed and ready to go home?" I asked as soon as he was next to me. He has the dorm room next to me but we share a bathroom.

"Yeah I actually shipped most of it back today that's where I was coming from. The movers will be here first thing in the morning.

"Your still coming by my hotel in a couple weeks right?" I asked.

"Yeah if I don't fin my mate when I get back my dad is making me do a search." He said.

"Well I'm having dinner with Clover on Saturday so we should be done with our mating by time you come to visit." I said wiggling my eye brows.

"Man I hope she's the one because if not I feel for your mate. You can't just fall out of love in a blink of an eye and if you find your mate while still loving Clover your ass will get rejected." He said laughing. What I thought was the funniest was the fact he thought Clover wasn't mine. She is. Always has been.

"We'll see my friend." I said as we reached our dorm.

My shit had been picked up this morning the only thing left was a bag and some food. I was going to sleep in the woods in wolf form tonight like everyone else would be doing tonight. It was a tradition.

I heard the water running so I knew Lin was in the shower and I would have to wait in my shower. I found my basketball shorts and a towel that was in my bag along with my body wash and deodorant. While I waited I ate the left over pizza from lunch and cleaned up the kitchen. A knock sounded letting me know I could shower. My last one ever here.

Lin cleared all his stuff out leaving my tooth brush and tooth paste. This place was bare. Sad in a way.

The shower was relaxing but my wolf was ready for the run and hunt. I could feel him pacing and wanting to be released.

"We have like ten minutes until we meet in the back court yard you about done?" Lin yelled from my room. I opened the door an he laughed at the fact I was covering my ears. I wish he would learn how sensitive our ears were.

"How can you always yell all the time? doesn't it hurt your ears?" I asked.

"My family yells all the time." he said with a shrug.

"Well let's hope your mate can deal with it." I said laughing.

"You have for eight years now." he said laughing.

"True, lets go." I said after putting the rest of my stuff in my bag. I couldn't wait to go home.

"Let's run like the wolves we are." someone cheered as soon as we made it to the back court yard. I striped out of my shorts an shifted into my black and gray wolf.

We ran for ever in to the night. The woods behind the school was huge and fit all of us comfortable. We chased game, swam and ran all night.

By morning I was so tired. We said our good byes and each boarded our own private planes. I fell asleep as soon as I was in a comfortable seat. I had a eight hour flight from Herrington Island where the Alpha school was until I go home in Silvermoon Village. It lays right on the boarder of Arizona and Nevada. We mostly all live in Arizona but some of our pack lives in Nevada.

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