Chapter Seven

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Neither of us say anything

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Neither of us say anything.

Neither of us have said anything since we sat down. I know my mug of coffee is getting cold, but I can't find the strength to drink it. Instead, I let my eyes travel along the first floor again now that the sun's coming up. There's a dining room just off the kitchen, and two more fireplaces that resemble the one upstairs. Funky light fixtures hang from the ceilings, and the art adorning the walls are eye catching for sure.

But none of it compares to the window.

It takes up the length of the wall on the farside of the living room and faces a different view than upstairs. Instead of the blanket of snow, I'm met with the New York skyline. It looks way different than it does in the movies — I can't even see the Empire State Building. Regardless, it's a breathtaking view; I've never been to a big city before, much less the most famous one in the world.

Carter clears his throat, pulling me back to our strange new reality. "So, how do you want to do this?"

My voice feels strained when I talk. All the shouting has taken a toll. "Do what?"

"This. How do you want to work through what's going on?"

"I don't know, Carter," I say, more impatient than I mean it to be. "You were the one begging me to stay. I assumed you had a plan."

"I was hoping we could make that plan together," Carter sighs, rubbing a hand over his face. My eyes flicker to the clock above the oven that reads 6:15. It makes me wonder what time he went to bed last night — we went to bed last night.

"Well, what did I really do yesterday? Maybe retracing my steps will jog something."

Carter taps a finger against his mug, a nervous tick of his. "You didn't really do anything. We spent most of yesterday laying in bed... "

Ignoring the heat that races to my cheeks, I grace over the last part. "Do we not have jobs?"

"I canceled all my showings, and you left your job about a month ago. We try to take at least a day or two out of the week for quality time, and yesterday just happened to be one of them. Not much to really jog your memory with besides—"

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