Chapter Fourteen

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It's been three days. I've been in this room without any food or contact with another person for three days. My stomach stopped growling yesterday. Riley is weak from the bracelet on my wrist and my wrist is raw and sore from me trying to pull the damned bracelet off.

The first day I stood at the door and yelled for someone to let me out. The second day I was too defiant to ask for food. Today, I refuse to still ask for anything. I've been sitting on this bed since yesterday, not moving unless to use the restroom or drink water from the sink.

Thoughts of Xander haunt me while I'm alone. The broken look on his face when I rejected him creeps in and makes me hate myself more than I already do. I'm just happy Mason and McKenzie are safe. But for how long? I shake the thought away, not wanting to think about it.

I jump when I hear the click of the door and get to my feet as it opens. Draco comes in with a tray of food. He walks over and sets it on the foot of the bed. He looks at me then to the food then back to me.

"Eat," he commands me. I stay still in defiance but my stomach growls at the sight of the food. He snarls and grabs me by my hair, bringing my face to his. "I said eat," he says sharply. He roughly pushes me towards the food then grabs the sandwich and shoves it in my face.

I keep my mouth shut and stare at him. I'm not eating it. His face turns from angry to amused. "Your will is stronger than I thought," he chuckles and tosses the sandwich back on to the plate. He pulls my face back to his and smirks, "maybe I'll have to break you."

He pulls me out of the room by my hair, dragging me down the hall. We come to another room and he opens it. In the middle of the room is a table, a lot like the ones in a doctors office. However, this one has straps to hold its occupants down. I fight against Draco as he brings me to the table. He back hands me, with the hand that isn't in my hair, and my vision becomes blotched. He throws me on the table strapping my legs and arms down.

"Now, I'll be generous and let you pick how I'm going to torture you," he says as he smiles down at me. I growl and him and start to pull at my restraints. This just amuses him and he watches me thrash around. Eventually I give in. There's no way I'm getting out of this. I lay still and look up at him defiantly.

He walks over to a wall that is covered in shelves. Each self holds some type of torture device, whether it be a vial with some liquid in it or a sharp object. He grabs a pair of gloves and then a jar with liquid and all too familiar violet flowers floating in it. I try not to panic as he sets the jar on a table next to me and goes back to the wall of torture. He gleefully looks through an extensive set of knives before picking one that hooks at the end. He turns to me, an evil grin on his face, and waves the knife at me. "This will hurt," he informs me and sets the knife on the table. He reaches down and rips my shirt down the middle, pushing it to the side. He moves down to my pants and rips both the legs, removing my pants. I lay on the table in my bra and underwear, unable to fight for myself. I close my eyes, accepting my fate.

Suddenly I feel a burning sensation against my stomach and my body jerks at the contact. I open my eyes and look down at my stomach, the knife laying against my bare skin. Silver. I look back at Draco, a smirk plastered on his face. "This won't have to happen if you'll just accept me," he gives me a chance. I turn my face away from him and I can practically feel the sadistic smile that is on his face. He's enjoying this. He'll enjoy hearing me scream as he tortures me.

I feel the sharp blade cut me from my hip to my belly button. I bite my lip to keep from screaming but fail when he pours the wolfsbane on my open wound. My body jerks and I scream as the liquid burns my body. I look down and see the blood seeping out of the wound and my skin bubbling up where the wolfsbane is on my body.

"You bastard," I spit at him, as hot tears spill onto my cheeks. They're angry tears and if I was strong enough, I would have shifted. I haven't been able to talk to my wolf since I rejected Xander and I've lost my connection with her as I've weakened over the past couple of days. 

"Oh I love it when you talk dirty to me, kitten," he says with an evil and sadistic smirk. "Maybe we should wash your mouth out though," he grins and grabs my face. Fear takes over and I start to thrash around. He squeezes my cheeks, holding my face in place and making my mouth open. He pours some wolfsbane in my mouth and I start to gag. The burn is horrible. I feel like I'm breathing fire and someone has put a hot poker down my throat. He steps aside as I spit the vile substance out and gasp for air. My vision is already blurring and I can feel the sores in my throat and mouth. 

I must have passed out from the wolfsbane because when I wake up I'm no longer in the torture chamber but in my room. I sit up and instantly regret it as my side starts to burn. I look down at the infected cut and wince. My throat burns as well. There's a glass of water next to the bed and I greedily grab it, swallowing the cold liquid. 

He can torture me all he wants. I will never give him what he wants, I'll die before that happens.


Hello, lovelies!

Such a morbid chapter. How long do you think Annie will last? Do you think Xander will ever save her? Tell me what you think so far.

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