Chapter Sixteen

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I can't lay down. If I do, the sheets will stick to the open wounds on my body and reopen them. I guess that doesn't really matter though. He'll be back to reopen them himself. Draco has been torturing me for a week now. I'm too weak to fight back anymore. The only way I can show my strength is through my silence, not giving him what he wants. I've become immune to the burn of the silver and wolfsbane. It irks him that I don't scream anymore. I actually haven't spoken in three days.

The door opens and I don't even bother to look at the door. I know it's him. "Annie Annie," he singsongs, his voice laced in venom. "It's time for our appointment," he laughs. He grabs me by my arms and drags me down the hall, in the opposite direction of the torture chamber. I'm confused and slightly worried, but I don't say anything. When he opens the door to the common room, the room I first came into, my eyes automatically go to the little boy in the center of the room. Silent tears run down his puffy red cheeks. I know this little boy. I've seen him before.

Draco stops dragging me and lets me go. I stumble a little, grasping a chair to keep my balance. I feel like I'll collapse at any moment. "You have refused me for a week now. I must say, you will be a great asset. You're strong and hardheaded. However, you have a pathetic weak spot that I was hoping to have to exploit," he laughs maliciously.

I look from Draco to the boy and then back to Draco and back to the boy. Where do I know him from?

"Either you will accept me as your mate or Harold here will die," he says with a shrug as if taking a life was nothing. That's when it dawns on me and I know who the boy is.

"Luna," the little boy cries, "don't do it."

I don't know what he doesn't want me to do. The room is spinning and I think I may vomit.

"Mama said that we are to live and die for our Alpha and Luna," the boy continues and Draco looks at him amused, "don't accept his request, Luna. If it is my time to go, then it's time."

"What?" I manage to croak out, my voice is weak and shaky. He can't die for me, that's why I'm here. So no one else dies because of me.

I extend my claw and bring it to my jugular. "You kill that boy, and you can say goodbye to any chance of me accepting your request," I growl out.

Draco smirks at me and steps away from the boy. "Alright, well then he stays here until you decide," he shoves the young boy to me, who gladly runs to my side. I begin to check him and make sure he's okay. That's when I notice my necklace around his neck. I'll have to ask him where he got it when we're alone.

"Take them back to her room," Draco says and walks off. Two men come over to us and guide us back to my cell. When we get in, Harold helps me over to the bed. "You don't look so good, Luna," he says as his eyes scan me.

I laugh a little and nod my head, "it's just a few scratches."

I look around the room and then lean towards him, "where did you get that necklace?"

"Alpha gave it to me," the little boy says with a wink. There's something going on. A plan of some sort. It's too dangerous for him to tell me now though, we both know we're being watched.

Draco doesn't come back that night. Harold lays on the bed with his head on my lap. He cried a little before going to sleep. He misses home. He's very young maybe nine. Why would Xander use him? I lean my head against the brick as my thumb runs over the cold moonstone. Harold gave it to me, saying it would look much prettier on me. My eyes start to become heavy as sleep begins to take over.

When the door to my cell opens, so do my eyes. He never comes in the middle of the night. I actually thought he may have gotten bored with torturing me. Maybe he's come for Harold. I look at the shaded figure in the doorway and growl, clutching Harold closer to me. The figure walks closer and Harold wakes up. "Ray?" Harold asks as he sniffs the air.

"Yes, come on, we have to get you two out of here," the figure says. Harold gets up and then puts his hand out for me. I shake my head no and he grabs my hand. "I can't he'll just find me again," I tell him. "Luna, we are not leaving without you. We have an entire team here," Ray says as he comes over to me. "Alpha Xander is already on his way," he adds.

As the words leave his lips, sirens begin to wail throughout the building and all hell breaks loose.


Okay, another super short one. Also, I am so sorry for disappearing for a couple of weeks. I've been super busy with finals and work. I promise the next chapter will be a long and action packed one.

What do you think is going to happen? Will Annie be saved? Or will this cause even bigger problems? Who or what tripped the siren? What will happen when Draco appears?

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