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I've lived here in Twin Falls, Idaho my whole entire life, never once leaving unless it was for vacation. That one time was when my parents took me to California one spring break.

It was awesome!

I went to Hollywood and got to see the stars. We went to the beach and learned to serf, which I found out that I have a natural talent for it. My grandma, grandpa, Kelly, and Chuck came with us. Chuck and Kelly were my cousins, but to me they were like the brother a sister I never had. I loved them and we shared everything together, but that was because we grew up to together.

That was the summer before I came out to my family at a family reunion, and the family reunion was the last time I saw them.

I've never known my family to be homophobic, so I though it'd be a great idea to tell them. But I guess I was wrong. My cousin Chuck stood up that day. I thought he was going to hug me or something of that nature, you know give me support and unconditional love.

But he looked at me with cold, disgusted eyes and punched me straight in my jaw and I black out. I was in the hospital for a long time after that.

My parents since then had always been supportive and didn't let me see them anymore after that. They cut ties with that side of the family.

After that I was hesitant to tell by best friend and the guy I had a crush on about this secret.

But I got the courage to tell him and only him. Thinking it was going to be cool with him, but I should have learned my lesson. I asked if he could hang out with me one day after school. I told him it was very important and appreciated that what I was about to tell him be kept a secret.

Afterwards he stormed out of my house not saying anything. I didn't tell him he was my crush, just that I was gay.

That night I cried myself to sleep, wishing I would've just kept my stupid mouth shut or that it was all just a nightmare.

The next morning I had an extremely bad headache after I had cried myself to sleep, but not as bad as what I was to endure when I made my way to school.

As I walked through the glass doors as I heard whispers all over and gazes of disgust.

He told! It was sad that I lost the only person I really trusted, and my best friend.

After that I lost my other friends and no one wanted to talk to me. It was hard to go through that. My parents were there for me but I still had pain in my heart from so many days of hurtful words and punches thrown at me.

I wish I could just have a small bit of a miracle happen so these thoughts in brain won't override my physical abilities to live.

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