Chapter 09

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My mind was confused thinking of Jungkook.

'Who could be it....
Yeah I can't help but suspend everyone...
Should I tell Mr.Jeon...ahhhhhh...I don't know...'

....I knocked on the door and tried to concentrate my mind before seeing his figure.

Yeah...who's there...

It's me...Jung Y/N...

Come in Miss Jung...

I entered the room only to see Mr.Jeon with a huge smile.He's really a pleasant gentleman.

Good morning Miss Jung ...

Good morning Mr.Jeon...

So why are here you in this early...


I licked my lips to hide my confusion.


I heard the patient voice of Mr.Jeon.

I took a deep breath and looked straight at Mr.Jeon.

I have something to tell you Mr.Jeon...


It's about Jungkook....
In these days that I spent with him I understood that he wants someone's attention....someone's caring....
B-but he already gets someone's bad attention....So I think you should talk to him....he trusts you...and..I-I'm sure he'll be open up to you Mr.Jeon...please be considered what I told...I hope you will...

I can say he fully understood what did I tell from his facial expressions.

Hmm...thank you Miss Jung...I appreciate your job so much....I will talk to him...don't worry....

Thank you Mr.Jeon....thank you very much....

My heart was pounding in happiness.

'I hope everything will be going well with Jungkook...and I wish to be so..'

.....I looked at Jungkook's dark brown eyes filled with innocent. My lips curved up.

'Why do you this innocent....this's too much....'



Why do you staring at me...





I heard a knock on the door so instead of calling the person to come in I stood up and stepped towards the door to avoid Jungkook's eyes.

Yeah..Eunji why..

Ah..Miss Jung will you come with me to Master Jeon...he told you to come...


I turned to see Jungkook and his eyes were filled with curiosity. May be because I didn't call the person to come in and he couldn't hear our conversation.

Jungkook...I'll be back quickly....okay...

He nodded and I left the room with Eunji.

....There wasn't only Mr.Jeon. Mrs.Lee also was.Her gaze was some what...ahhh...I don't know...

There you are Miss Jung...

Yes...Mr.Jeon...did you call me....

Yeah...yeah..sit down...

He showed me the sofa in front of his.

So...Miss Jung...I think you don't have any problem with your job...


But I feel worry about you don't get any leave and to be in this house for 24/7...'s okay Mr.Jeon...this is my job and I love it so much...

Happy to hear about it Miss Jung...but I think you do have a right to have a I let you to have it today....


Yes...and hear is your salary....

He gave me an envelope with a huge smile.

Hear...enjoy yourself...

B-but...Mr.Jeon...I-I'm didn't expect this...I don't want a leave...

I really didn't want a leave.All I wanted was to be with Jungkook.
I didn't know why but felt like I should not leave Jungkook alone.

If Master Jeon's saying you to have a leave you should Miss Jung...

Mrs.Lee's voice was like a threat.


I told you should Miss Jung...

Ah....I....ah...okay...thank you Mr.Jeon....


I left the room with kinda curiosity and a lot of questions.

'Why did he tell me to have a leave....
Why Mrs.Lee's voice felt like a threat....
Why don't I feel like it's not suitable for leaving Jungkook alone with them...

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