Chapter 20

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I entered the house followed by Jimin and Jungkook was behind me holding onto my hand.

So here's my little house..

What's not that you...

I piped down the last two words but Jimin turned towards me letting me understand that he heard me.

Did you say something Y/N..

Ah..n-no....yeah...your's nice..

I tried my best to avoid any eye contact. So I was just looking around.


I glanced at him and he was looking away.

Okay...Y/N-ah...come in...sit here...

I looked at him and walked in with Jungkook. Jimin treated us with some drinks before walking us to the rooms that he prepared for us.

.....I have to be with Jungkook until he sleeps in his room and after I walked to the room that was prepared for me. It was 12pm and I lied myself on the bed and closed my eyes. But drowsiness didn't came to me. So I woke up from the bed and walked out of the room. The whole house was in dark but I just didn't bother to switch on any light. I could remember the sofa on right corner so I walked towards it and sat on. I heard the click sounds and lights were switched on.



Why...can't you sleep too...

I just smiled at him and he sat there with me getting some soft drinks for both.

Jimin...thank you...

Huh...for what...

For everything..everything that you did... need of thanking Y/N-ah....

I know thanking is also not enough for your favours....

Hmm...then treat me with steak...


I saw Jimin was smiling letting his eyes almost closed. It is so cute I think.

Don't worry Jimin...we won't stay here for so long and sorry for be a burden for you...I really didn't mean it but-

Ohhhhh...Y/N...what are you talking can stay here as long as you want and just think that this is your won't bother me anyway...

I smiled.

No Jimin...I really don't like big houses...


Just forget it...anyway thank you again...

No need of that Y/N...I told you..

Okay then I'm going to sleep..I think you also should go to sleep's almost dawn...

Hmm...have a tight sleep...

Good night...

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