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"Miss Stark, your father requests to see you in the lab." JARVIS's voice rang throughout my room. I opened my eyes as I lift my fingers off the guitar slowly.

"Ok J. Tell him I will be down there in a few minutes." I replied as I put my guitar down. 

I stood up and walked out of my room. I took out my Stark phone and checked the time.

8:44 p.m

I walked down the stairs to the main floor. I walked to the kitchen and opened the fridge. I pulled out a box of blueberries. I rinsed them off before I walked towards the stair to the lab.

I walked down and put the password in. The glass door opened.

I smiled as I saw my adopted father who was working hard at his new suit.

The mark 7.

I have a suit, two actually. They are just like dad's, but more feminine. I choose Blue to match my magic.

I have abilities, yes you read that right. Fourth wall who? Just kidding!

Anyway, ever since Tony found me, I've been able to hear people's thoughts, move things with just my mind, cast illusions, put thoughts into people's heads, and I'm faster than an average person.

I can read anyone's thoughts, but I have to see them. Not in a picture or video, but in my presence.

I've been training my telekinesis. I can lift not just one, but TWO transport trucks, don't ask how I found that out.

In school, I tried out for the track team. The students and teachers thought it was unfair to use my ability. So I trained myself to run at a normal speed. Everyone knows about my powers, some don't like them. They think I'm a freak, but never say it to my face. I read their minds.

In high school, some people cane to me to see if their boyfriends or girlfriends were cheating on them. Some came to me to find out test answers, but I never told anyone.

I always got perfect scores on test too, but the teachers believed I was using my magic again. I would also cast illusion of me in class while I was in the library reading. The librarian didn't mind either.

In grade 11, I dropped out and Dad decided to homeschool me. I'm 18 now.

Funny how the daughter of Tony Stark is a high school drop out. But being taught by said billionaire genius would be a lot better in my opinion.

"Blueberries!? For me!? Have I ever told you how much I'm glad you're my daughter." Dad quickly took the blueberries from my hands.

I chuckled as I sat in my chair.

He put the blue berries on the table cluttered with wires, tools, and other things.

"Many, many times. I'm a pretty amazing daughter. I would say your lucky to have me." I flipped my hair over my shoulder with a smirk. Dad looked over to me.

"Don't get to cocky with me. You turned out the way you are because of me." He pointed at me with a playful glare. I scoffed.

"Imagine a life without me." I told him. He just smiled at me.

"Uhhh how about no. I don't need to. It is what it is. And I am pretty lucky. Who else could put up with me besides Pepper?" He shrugged. I chuckled. That's true. Not everyone can put up with him.

"So what did you want?" I questioned as I put my elbow on the table and rested my chin in my palm. He popped another blueberry in his mouth.

Since the blueberries were on the other side of the table, I used my magic. Blue mist appeared around a blueberry and floated towards me. I opened my mouth and eat the blueberry.

Tony Stark's Daughter [1]Where stories live. Discover now