(Ironman 3)

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It's been 6 months since New York. We've been in Malibu for 5 months.

Back at the Tower when I put that spell on Dad, he told me to never do it again. JARVIS told him everything that happened.

Secretly I still do it, for me and him. I get flashbacks of my past. I've only done it another 4 or 5 times and

Dad gives me shit for it. I never told him about the flashbacks. I'm going to tell Steve about him. About Winny... or Bucky, but I don't know when or how. How am I supposed to tell him his friend who fell from a cliff 70 years ago was still alive?!

I mean, would he even believe me? I could just show him one of my memories. I will tell him. I've done a lot of research on Bucky. I wanted to visit the Smithsonian in Washington DC.

Dad and I are sitting in the lab. It was about 2am. He's been poking my arms and his with... I don't even know, but I trust him it's not anything bad.

"Ow!" I yelped as he pushed something into my arm for what felt like the hundredth time. He looked up at me apologetically. I raised an eyebrow as he wiped the blood off my arm. He already did his arm.

"Do we have to do this now? You haven't slept in forever. You need to sleep." I looked at the short man. He rolled his eyes.

"You can go to sleep if you want. I know your tired." He looked up at me. I shook my head.

"I'm not tired, but you have to go to... sleep." I yawned. He smirked. I'm very tired. I haven't been able to sleep either, and Dad's starting to catch on.

When I close my eyes... I see that room. That chair. It feels so real... the pain. The pain of the machine. I'm remembering now.

I do remember most, but some things are blank. I can't remember anything before HYDRA.

He helped me. Winny helped me escape. We went on a mission and he told me he would be right back. He promised me. I should have ran after him, who knows what they have done to him.

If I was so valuable to them, why didn't they kidnap me again? Was it because I'm with Tony?

"What are you thinking about?" Dad asked as he sat next to me. I shook my head. Not letting the tears fall.

"Nothing. What is this for anyway?" I pointed to my arm. Dad pointed towards our latest suits that he has been working on. They were in pieces scattered around the tables.

He's on like Mark 42 I think. He... he has spent a lot of time down here.

We haven't talked much since New York. This is actually the first time I've been down here in a few weeks. I only came down here to get him to sleep.

He seems to be drifting off and is becoming more involved with his suits.

My 19th birthday is coming, two days actually. I don't know what we're doing, if we're doing anything. I don't like celebrating the day Tony found me. He doesn't know it's coming anyway, which is good. Pepper on the other hand... I'm going to have to get her to forget. Not using my magic of course. Try and distracted her if that's even possible.

S.H.I.E.L.D has asked me to join and become an agent. I never told Dad yet though. I was thinking about it. I would be working with Natasha and maybe Steve.

Nat would give me lessons on hand-to-hand combat. Also how to shoot a gun. I can tell Steve. I'm going too. I can't keep this from him. Fury said something about this guy Alexander Pierce thinks I would be a great addition to S.H.I.E.L.D.

"Sir. May I suggest just a few hours to calibrate-." JARVIS spoke up. Dad cut him off.

"Nope. Micro repeater implanting is complete." He looked my arm to make sure it was alright. Oh! Automatic prehensile propulsion tech! That's what he's doing!

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