Chapter 35: HYDRA Misses You

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Oh god! The man looks exactly like the man from my flashbacks, but it isn't. I looked around at all the men.

"You don't want to do this..." I warned Strucker. He smirked.

"Oh I do. HYDRA misses you. We've watched you grow up with Tony Stark. We've been watching you this whole time. After you escaped, the Winter Soldier has been perfect in every way. He certainly fixed up after the punishment he deserved for letting you go. Killian said we could have you back now. Our secret weapon along with the Twins. HYDRA, you, Pietro, and Wanda can take over this world. Make it new. Just as long as you come willingly. Wanda and Pietro chose the winning side, how about you?" He finished ranting. I clenched my fists.

They expect me to join? Ha! Like that will ever-!

"The Winter Soldier as a very important mission coming soon. He has help shaped the century and he will continue to do so. He would be your partner again."

Winny... I could see him again. My brother. I can save him, but what about Dad and Pepper? I can't leave them, but Bucky is... what a minute? Can't I just teleport and get him? Like, it wouldn't be hard. I remember him clearly now, but if they knew I was going to teleport, won't they know I'll try with Winny?

"I'm not joining HYDRA. I'm not the monster your brother made me be! I'm not a killer!" I growled.

"Oh but you are. Remember the cruise ship? Hundreds of people killed... all because of you... those poor children." He pouted. I looked down to my feet as I remembered the screams. I was only 9.

"Remember the mission with the airplane? 150 people, all dead, because of you." Strucker voice rang in my head. I clenched my fists. I felt my hands and eyes burn. I looked up at him.

"I will find every HYDRA base and agent. I will take down HYDRA along with the Avengers. I will find every single one of you's and take you done. No one can I hide. The twins will realize who is right and they will choose us. It's always the good guys. HYDRA will be gone..." he smirked at me.

"Many people will die because of you. You are a monster, a machine. We made you. You are HYDRA. You killed and will kill. HYDRA will have you and they know exactly how to get you. We gave this power to you... we can take it back." He sneered. I tilted my head.

"You can try all you want, I won't break. You can't take my powers... your brother is dead. That monster can't do shit. He was the only one who knew all about me... plus... what's a few more bodies?" I smirked and raised my hand. I closed my hand and all the guns were crushed in the men's hands. They all dropped them. They looked over to Strucker. I smirked at him with a head tilt. He looked at his men.

"Well?... Go get her!" He exclaimed annoyed. A big crowd of men came running at me.

"I know I'm irresistible, but this is too much." I threw blues flames at two men. They flew back into others. I ran up to a man and wrapped my legs around him and threw him to the ground. I punched him in the head to make sure he was down. I was grabbed by two others. I put my arms together and broke out of the hands. A blue wave of mist expanded away from me. It knocked down all the men, but most got back up. I grabbed a man's arm before he punched me and flipped him.

"I met you before you know. They had you exactly where they wanted you. I was there when The Soldier gave you a good lesson." Strucker's voice spoke loudly.

I kicked the handgun out of a man's hand and punched him in the gut. I kicked him on the side of the head. He dropped to the ground unconscious.

"You were so scared. There is something that has been annoying me ever since that day."

I threw blue flames at four men. I picked up three men and threw them into some barrels. 

"Why did you hold back? You could have killed him so easily, yet you just let him punch you over, over and over again."

I took down half of them. I looked up at Strucker. I made his arm bend a way it shouldn't. A loud popping noise was heard. He screams in pain. A man punched me. I glared at him. I was pissed.

"You'll regret that." I sneered and snapped his neck in anger. Stop killing Hope! I was surrounded by the rest of the men. Strucker was gone. There was only 5 now. Easy. I smirked at them. "I'll give you a chance to leave now..." I stared at the men. They looked at each other. A man raised his arms with a sigh.

"Sorry guys," He started towards the door.

"What the fuck Richard?!" A man exclaimed in anger and shock. I couldn't help but smile as I though of the vine, but quickly put my poker face back on.

"Did you not see her take out the others?! She could kill us with the flick of her wrist! You guys are idiots.... peace out." He gave the peace sign and walked out. Why is he apart of HYDRA? I seen his mind... he has a family... I looked over to the men.

"Are any of you not willingly with HYDRA?" I asked the 4 men. Two of the men raised their hands. One of the men just proposed to his pregnant wife... he was dragged into this by... one of the men who didn't raise their hands.

The other man was brought into this because they wanted him for his past in the CIA and military. He had a wife... but they killed her because he wouldn't join and they threatened his sister if he didn't join.

The other two are just straight up assholes... and one has memories of torturing Winny. I pushed the men to the side and slammed the man against the wall with my magic. He groaned in pain.

"You hurt him... I seen you. You hurt Bucky." I glared up at him. He smirked down at me.

"I did... he deserved it. He was out of line. He knew the rules and he messed up." He spoke  some bullshit. I grabbed his forehead and looked at his memory.

Winny looks... like the Winter Soldier. His eyes held no emotion... actually... there was slight fear hidden deep in his eyes. His long hair looking like a birds nest. His stance was stiff and tense, ready for anything. I need to find him. The memory was cut short as I heard a loud bang. I jumped back as the man I was holding shot himself in the head. I looked down at his lifeless body. I felt my eyes begin to water. I straightened myself out and turned to the others.

I threw the other bad man into the wall, hard. I looked at the other two.

"If I were you, I would go home, pack up, and leave. Stay hidden, HYDRA will look for you. If you don't want to then... good luck." I told them as I walked over to the door Pepper was rolled out. They stared at me. "You don't have much time. You better choose." I walked out and down the hallway. I made it to the end of the hallway and opened the metal doors.

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