Chapter 22: Monster

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Kinda dark chapter... I don't know 🤷🏽‍♀️

I rubbed my arms as we made our way through the snow. I was starting to get cold now. Dad was shivering as he held his arms close to him. I looked behind us and our suits were still trailing behind us. We made it to a old gas station called Texaco. Dad stood beside the pay phone.

"Why did you really go to Washington DC? It wasn't just to talk to Fury was it?" Dad gave me a side glance.

I knew it was bugging him. How can I keep anything from him!? Why can't I tell him!?

It's like my my mouth wont listen to me. I've wanted to tell him so many times... but I just can't seem too.

I know telling Steve first is going to hurt him... I don't know why I did, but it's Bucky... Winny. We need to get home and get Pepper first.

I'll tell them together.

"I went to visit Steve and Nat. I decided to keep in touch with them like you do with Banner." I crossed my arms. He raised his eyebrows.

"How did you k- why do I even bother keeping anything from you?! It's hard to protect you when you can do just fine on your own." I smiled at him.

"I did have a pretty good Dad to teach me how to protect myself." I shrugged nonchalantly. He smirked with a nod.

"Damn right." He agreed. Then he looked to the ground thoughtfully.

"What are you thinking about?" I asked him curiously. He raised an eyebrow.

"You ain't gonna read my mind?" He pointed to his head. I shook my head.

"I just know you going to tell me. You always do. Sometimes I only say I read your mind when I actually don't." I told him. He sighed.

"I put you and Pep in so much danger... who knows what happened to Pepper. I sometimes wonder if I didn't adopt you... you would be a normal girl. You wouldn't have to be caught in any of this. You wouldn't be here right now. I know I have been distant lately too. I know I shouldn't think this way. I'm sorry Hope. You are an amazing kid. You made my life a hell of a lot better. Pepper too. Rhodes... Happy for god sakes! He's in the hospital because of me!"

Dad ran a hand through his hair frustratedly.

"You four are the only family I have left and I don't show it enough. You all put up with my shit for so long and all I do is take it for granted. My suit hurt Pepper last night because of my nightmares. I'm so distracted by my suits and thinking they can help protect you's, but I'm always bringing enemies."

Dad gulped and met my eyes. I tilted my head as I listened to him talk.

"I don't know what to do Hope... I can't lose you guys. I can't think of a life without you all. Every night when I close my eyes, I can see that spaceship in that wormhole... the feeling of floating in blackness... the coldness." Dad collapsed onto the snow beneath him. His chest moving up and down quickly. Another panic attack.

I dropped the suits and ran to his side. I kneeled beside him and hugged him.

"It's okay Dad... we're okay... just breath..." I soothed to him softly. He head on my chest. He was listening to my heart beat. He slowly started to following my calm breathing. He wasn't okay... he's getting worse... and no one knows except me...

Pepper's starting to catch on. She's so busy with Stark Industries. Rhodey is busy with being Iron Patriot. Happy is busy with Pepper and trying to help Dad.

Happy is Pepper's security to put Dad at ease a bit and keep Pepper safe of course. It does help Dad knowing she's in good hands. He knows how the business game is.

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