Chapter 12: The Battle part 3

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"The sceptre." A man's voice spoke up. I turned around and saw Selvig. He was laying on the ground. "Loki's sceptre. The energy. The Tesseract can't fight. Can't proetrct against yourself."

"It's not your fault. You didn know what you were doing." Nat kneeled down next to him. Selvig looked down.

"Well actually I think I did." Natasha and I looked at each other. Whada? "I built in a safe key to cut the power source."

"Loki's sceptre." I realized and so did Nat.

"It may be able to close the portal. And I'm looking right at it." He pointed down the tower. I looked down and saw the sceptre. I flew down and grabbed it. I flew back up and stepped out of my suit. I felt a connection with the sceptre. I felt stronger. Instead of fighting it, I connected with it. Natasha stared at me.

"Hope, your eyes are glowing blue." I smirked. That's so cool! I stretched my arm and shot at some of the Chitauri with the sceptre.

"This is so awesome!" I exclaimed with a large smile. Natasha chuckled. Selvig stood up. I looked at the Tesseract. I felt drawn to that too. Why? I walked over to it. I stared at it. I stretched my arm and I was almost touching the Tesseract until I heard a gasp behind me. I quickly pulled my hand away and turned to look at Selvig.

"How? How did you get through the field?" I furrowed my eye brows. Field? Natasha grabbed a rock from beneath her and threw it at the Tesseract. It bounced of a energy field and hit me on the head. I winced and rubbed my head. Nat just chuckled. Selvig waits for an answer.

"I don't know. I feel connected to the sceptre and Tesseract. I feel like I've seen it before, felt its power." I looked down at me hands. Blue mist appeared. "Like it flowed through me."

"Ms. Stark. Sir needs some assistance." I nodded. I handed the sceptre to Nat. I got in my suit and flew in the direction J.A.R.V.I.S sent me. I saw Dad surrounded by Chitauri. I shot them all down. I landed next to him. I helped him up.

"Always getting you out of trouble." I shook my head with a smirk. Dad chuckled.

"I had that all under contro-." I shot a Chitauri sneaking up behind Dad. Dad looked behind him and looked at the dead Chitauri. He opened his mouth to say something.

"Sure dad... sure." I smirked. I heard a voice connect to me and Dad's radio Com. They started talking, but dad cut me off. I glared.

"I got this. Let me handle it." Handle what? I went to look in his mind, but he flew away. I huffed. Your welcome. I flew back up to the Tower. Natasha had the Sceptre through the Field.

"I can close it. Can anyone copy?" Nat spoke into the com. "I can shut the portal down."

"Do it!" Steve yelled.

"No wait!" Dad spoke up. What?

"Stark, these things are still coming." Steve said to Dad.

"I got a nuke coming in. It's going to blow less then a minute." What the hell!? That's what he meant by handle it!? "And I know just where to put it."

"Stark... you know that's a one way trip." Steve said. I felt my eyes widened.

"Dad?" I spoke in to the com. No answer. I could see dad flying towards the tower. His face popped up in front of me. He just skinned the tower.

"No getting me out of this one Hope..." he smiled softly at me. I felt tears start to fall.

"Dad... come back..." he just looked at me. He opened his mouth to say something, but he went into the portal. Losing connection. I looked up. "Please..."

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