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Kelz ❤️

Please, tell me something
Read 2:04 pm

Two weeks. A total of two weeks had passed, and Azure had fallen deeper into the depression she tried her best to resist.

It was as if the years the two had spent together meant nothing to Kelz, as he continued to ignore his ex girlfriend's cries for attention. Azure had went from respectfully understanding his decision, to demanding that he tell her something to soothe her confused heart ache. She believed all she needed was closure, when in reality she just wanted him to get out of whatever funk that he was in and repair their abandoned relationship.

"Azure, table two needs refills." Meena said as she sped past Azure, who had taken yet another break to see if Kelz texted her back.


Stuffing the phone back into her apron, Azure made her way out onto the floor to make her table rounds. It had been only a few days since her first day at Danny's Breakfast Spot, a small restaurant owned by Justin's uncle Danny in the hood.

After setting up an interview like he promised, she was given the job almost immediately. Azure was shocked it was as easy as Justin said it would be, but even more appreciative as she now made $9.50 an hour and could at least keep money in her pockets.

"Okay so, one orange juice and one apple juice. Coming straight up." she scribbled on the note pad before turning away.

It didn't take long for Azure to fill the two glasses up and return them back to the table.

"Excuse me, waitress!"

Hearing a customer call out for her, Azure turned to find who needed her assistance. Seeing the table of familiar girls, she resisted the urge to roll her eyes into the back of her head.

"How can I help y'all?" She forced a smile onto her face.

"I don't know, what y'all got?" The girl Azure knew as Diamond asked, her long ballerina style nails helping her flip through the menu.

"Everything we serve is on the menu." Azure pointed out.

"Clearly, the fuck?" Diamond rolled her eyes, "I meant like...tell me."

The friends in company began to snicker at the table, and Azure was ready to take the next exit. As far as she was concerned, Diamond could suck the air around her before she served her anything.

The two didn't know each other that well - Diamond being one of the girls Shar hung out with on the regular, however Azure knew of her enough to automatically be annoyed by her presence.

Diamond was the type to always need accolades in return for everything that she did. She would never give up the chance to have the funniest comeback, or to feel like she had a one up on the next person.

Even from their short run ins at her shared apartment, Azure could tell that her and Diamond had little in common.

"I mean, it's essentially a hundred items on the menu. So it would all depend on what type of meal, breakfast or lunch. You could get a platter combo, a sandwich, soup, salad—"

"Alright, Alright," Diamond annoyingly flagged her hand, "I get it. Let us get three bacon and eggs with toast combo."

"Great, it'll be right up."

Azure collected the three menus on the table and delivered the order to the cook all in a timely fashion.

Glancing at her watch, she couldn't wait to get off within in the next hour. She wasn't used to standing for long periods of time, so her ankles were sore and her lower back was beginning to bother her as well. Aside from that, the tips were good if she happened to be the only waitress working and Danny never kept her later than 3pm.

As she waited patiently for orders to be called up, Azure couldn't help but notice Diamond and her friends continuing to stare her down as they engaged in a hushed conversation. She would be lying if she said she didn't began to feel uncomfortable, as their eyes sized her up from across the restaurant and pierced through her as if she didn't have eyes herself.

"Azure, Mami, order for table three." Jenny, the additional waitress said as she flew past Azure with two orders in her hands.

"Got it!" She exclaimed, breaking out of her trance.

For the most part Azure believed she was doing good at her new job, but she definitely had to reframe from blanking out on the regular. Still, she wasn't exited about delivering the breakfast food to the group of catty females.

Growing up, it wasn't uncommon for Azure to be the topic of a conversation. She had always been on the other end of the disdain that other girls had for her, despite her sweet demeanor.

The fact that she had been blessed with everything they wished for, a nice body - slim enough to show skin but thick enough to get the boys going, a pretty face, flawlessly inherited from both of her parents that allowed her to flaunt a full face of makeup or not; Either way looking effortlessly beautiful, and that was the reason for their jealously.

Azure didn't even seem phased by her potential to be the baddest thing walking, finding comfort in her loose fitted clothes and track sneakers, whereas girls her age had to work much harder to be considered half as pretty.

Carefully balancing the three plates, she began to sit them down on the table in front of Diamond and her friends.

"Thanks sis," Diamond smiled, "So, hows Kelz these days?"

Just like every time she heard his name, a tiny shock traveled through her chest and set off the mini heart attack.

She scrunched up her eyebrows, confused as to why Diamond would be asking about her man.

"He's good."

"He sure is." Diamond smirked deviously.

Once again, the table began to laugh in a hushed tone, but this time Azure didn't ignore it.

"What the hell is so funny?" She snarled, "Am I missing something?"

"Not at all, its an insider. But thanks sis, see you around."

Diamond dismissed Azure, only irritating her further more. She didn't understand Diamond's joke, and that alone frustrated her. What did she mean by 'he sure is?'. Had she talked to him? Or seen him with another girl?

Azure's mind couldn't keep up with her thoughts, that seemed to be now going a hundred miles per minute. Needing a minute to herself, she headed to the bathroom and locked herself in.

Kelz ❤️

You have some fucking nerve. I gave you four years of my life, and this is how you act. I guess all those things you told me were a lie.
Delivered. 2:38pm

She couldn't help but to berate her ex through text, since that seemed to be the only way to reach him. Although the two went to the same college, it was close to impossible to run into him since they had conflicting schedules. He hadn't responded since their initial breakup, but that wouldn't stop Azure from trying.

She waited impatiently for him to respond, but just like as of recently, her messages seemed to fall on death ears. Before she knew it, she began to break down in the employee stall, her tears running too fast to be held back.

What had she done to deserve such fate? Why was God punishing her? Had she done something wrong?

Azure couldn't help but to blame her failed relationship on herself, since there hadn't been a more obvious reason. Maybe she just wasn't good enough. Kelz always told her he liked her modest ways, maybe he had grown tired of that too.

Seeing as though it was only a few minutes to close, Azure splashed water on her face in attempts to hide the fact that she had been crying.

After doing so, she sucked up her tears, knowing she would have to push through the remainder of her day.

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