E I G H T / D I V E IN

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"Ah! Nico, no!" Azure yelled as Nico threw her over his shoulder as if she weighed nothing, his feet meeting the sand and salt water that began to move its way to the shore.

He was dressed down to his boxers and undershirt, wanting to enjoy the surprisingly warm moon lit ocean water. Azure was up for it at first, however after seeing how dark the vacant beach was she quickly retreated. Nico wasn't taking no for an answer, as the two had already walked from the top of the beach down to the shore, getting sand in between their toes and up to their ankles.

"Didn't I say I got you?" He chuckled, putting her down once the water was at least waist deep.

Azure felt the cold shells underneath her feet, next grabbing onto Nico for protection from the dark water around them. He laughed at her uneasiness, because just a few minutes before she was all for it.

"I'm scared" she admitted, "What if something comes up"

"You don't trust me?" Nico asked her, his perfect teeth pressing down on his bottom lip.

Azure looked up to him, only to crack a shy smile, placing a piece of her hair behind her ear. If she had to be honest, she didn't know the next time when she would trust someone, let alone a man. She had done just that the past four years, just for it to be thrown away as if it meant nothing. As if the efforts of the heart were dismissible.

After leading her a little further, Nico was satisfied as the water raised to just below his chest and above Azure's. Wrapping his arms around her waist, he held her close as they floated in the calm ocean. Her lengthy hair swimming behind her, as she let her arms lock around the width of Nico's shoulders.

"This ain't so bad, right?"

Azure responded with a smile, "No, but you forced me"

"I just gave you a lil push" he believed, "That's all you needed."


"No problem." he winked.

The two shared a laugh, both enjoying the cool feeling of the water as it splashed against them. Nico couldn't hold back any longer. Cupping her chin, he didn't hesitate to lean in, taking her lips into his without permission. Azure was caught off guard, but didn't back down and allowed him to gently grasp the nape of her neck, as he made sure to kiss her passionately but not too aggressive. In that moment it seemed like all of her problems had disappeared. Or at least her biggest problem, Kelz.

"You taste good" he mumbled in between kisses, "Like...candy."

Azure giggled, continuing to meet her lips with his. "It's..my..chapstick."

"Nah, that's all you."

Letting his hands explore her body, Azure allowed him to firmly grab her ass under the water. She blushed for the hundredth time that night when he slipped his long fingers into the bottom of her shorts, letting his fingers find her warmth. He was whispering sweet nothings in her ear, and nibbling along her neck and behind her ear, all the spots that were never explored.

"You coming back to my room?" He asked her, trying to seal the deal.

Azure was so out of it, she hadn't even responded as he continued to plant his full lips all over her shoulders and neck.


Hearing him say her name, the smooth cadence of his voice brought her back to reality like a spell.

"Huh?" She snapped out of it.

"Are you coming back to my room?" He asked.

He knew he was way over his head, especially due to the fact that he had a fight the next day and his dad was very strict on sex before a big performance. He believed it would not only cause him to lose focus but his energy, and there was fifteen grand on the line this time. However Nico didn't care, shit, he was ready to risk it all for a chance to taste his candy girl.

"I can't," Azure shook her head, "Competition starts at 8am. But I'm having fun."

Azure didn't want to admit the part of her that denied him because she was scared, no, frightened to let another man in. Nico was funny, protective, sexy as hell... too good of a combo and a recipe for disaster.

She had never dealt with a young man of his caliber, or any other man besides her ex for that matter, who had her brain washed. She now began to question what she really knew about intimacy, because Kelz had never touched her the way Nico had in the short period of time.

What have I've been missing? She asked herself.

"It's cool," Nico nodded, "You ready to go?"

"Are you upset?"

Nico scrunched his eyebrows, next a smile found itself on his face.

"Naw, damn what kinda monster you think I am?" He laughed.

Azure shrugged. She knew niggas had fragile egos, and anything as small as an ounce of rejection could turn them off. Nico however didn't mind. He was salty, but he had to respect it. Not too many women would've turned him down, but it just caused his appetite to grow.

"Let's get you back, Ion want to be the reason you fuck up tomorrow." he half joked.

Taking her hand, he helped her climb onto his back, next pulling the two out of the ocean water that now began to grow chilly. Azure's teeth chattered due to the wind and her wet skin, and Nico happily gave her his sweat jacket to keep warm. It smelled of vanilla and baby powder, the kind of scent a person wants to sniff all day. Instead of walking back to the hotel, Nico called a lyft to take them the short distance back.

"I had a really nice time." Azure said as the two approached her room door.

"I did too, hopefully I'll see you tomorrow...for a victory dinner?" he asked, fishing for more time with her.

"I'll text you." she laughed.

"Alright. Have a good night."

He planted a simple but gut fluttering kiss on her cheek, next turning away after he made sure she got in safely and up to his own room. Glancing at his phone, the clock had just struck midnight, and it was officially the day of the fight.

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