Mas Adelante - Chapter Seven

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Lola set her backpack down, sighing. "Oscar?" She walked toward his room. "Are you home?"

Cesar walked out of his room. "He's not home." She rolled her eyes, walking away from him. "When were you gonna tell me about Angelo?"

She spun around, "huh?"

"Don't look at me stupid." He squinted his eyes in disapproval, "did you not remember that junkie spills with just a little bit of coaxing?"

"Don't talk about him like that." She took a step forward. "I suggest you mind your own business, Cesar."

He laughed, "Are you threatening me?"

She shrugged, puckering her lips. "Does it feel like a threat?"

"It feels like an open ended threat." He took the step forward now, his arms crossed. "Listen, I don't know why you don't like me, Lola. Pero soy tu hermano mayor, y me vas a respetar."

"Vete ala verga, mejor."

"Woah! Woah!" Oscar walked in through the front door, setting his keys down, "what the hell did I just walk into?"

"Tell him." Cesar said.

"I said mind your own fucking business puto!" She shoved him back, causing his arms to fall to his side and him to stumble.

"Okay!" Oscar stepped between the two, pushing Lola back by her forehead. "Get your big head having ass in your corner and your thick ass eyebrows in yours." 

When they stepped back, he spoke. "Who's telling me what? Make it quick cause I got shit to do."

Cesar lifted his chin, shrugging at Lola. "Either you tell him or I do."

Oscar blinked at Lola, waiting for her to say something.

Then she laughed, "what do you want me to say?"

"Tell him how you've been messing around with Angelo."

Oscar's eyebrows pulled together, "messing around?"

Her smile fell, and she began to shake her head. "He's lying!"

"Lying?" Cesar scoffed, "why would I lie about something like that?"

"Because!" She yelled, "you just want me gone!"

"Gone?" He raised an eyebrow, "no seas chantajista. Why the hell would I want that?"

"Because you hate me!" She got teary eyed, pointing at Oscar now, "both of you!"

"What?" Oscar scoffed.

"I should've died with mom that night and you hate me for that." She wiped under her eyes, smudging her mascara.

Oscar began to shake his head lightly, reaching for his baby sister. "Get off of me!" She shoved him, heavy tears running down her face, "I'm sorry Cesar, I'm sorry the firemen got me out of the car before they could get to her."

Cesar looked at the floor, licking his lips.

"I was a kid, how do you think it felt watching mom cry, telling me it was going to be okay, seeing her take her last breath? You're not the only one who wishes I died that night–"

"That's enough!" Oscar shouted, causing his brother and sister to flinch. He took in a deep breath, shutting his eyes for a second to recollect himself. They both stared at him, Lola wiping her face again.

"I'm sick of y'alls shit. A partir de hoy, there will be no yelling in this house if you don't pay bills. Cesar, leave Lola alone, I don't wanna hear you making shit up about her."

Cesar breathed in through his nose, pissed.

Then Oscar turned to her, "Lola quit calling Cesar a puto and putting your hands on him, oh dejare que te regrese los chingasos. Oíste?"

"Puto." She mumbled at Cesar.

"Call me a puto one more time I swear I'll–"

"What are you gonna do puto? Cry about it–"

"Yo!" Oscar's voice boomed throughout the entire house, "do I look like I'm joking?"

Cesar glared at her as she fixed her shirt and huffed, walking out of the house.

She hopped up on the ledge, crossing her arms.

"What's up lil Diaz?" One of Oscar's homies nodded, causing her to sigh. "You look good today."

"Hi Sad Eyes."

"What's got you so down mi chula? Spooky yelling at you again?"

She shrugged, "he's a puto just like Cesar."

"I heard that." Oscar walked through the front door, picking her up from the ledge and setting her on the ground, taking her spot.

"Fuck was that?"

"This my spot." He lit a cigarette, blowing out the smoke as she glared at him.

"Hey Lola, can I please sit there? Thanks, appreciate it." She mocked, "animales, todos ustedes."

She walked down the pathway to the sidewalk, muttering angry words to herself.

"Where you goin?"

"To Jamal's, he's the only person I can stand right now!"

Oscar laughed, "don't walk with your arms crossed lil mama if you fall you won't be able to catch yourself!" He yelled.

She unfolded her arms, letting them swing at her sides.

"Jamal!" She banged on his door, "hurry, I'm hungry, let's get food!"

The door opened, she swung to knock again but almost hit Jamal's dad in the face. "Oh sorry Mr. Turner. I'm looking for my best friend." She smiled sweetly, balancing on her toes.

"He said he was going to Ruby's, he should be there."

She nodded, "thank you sir."

He smiled, shutting the door.

She groaned, stomping her foot. Then she turned around and walked in the direction of Ruby's house.

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