Mas Adelante - Chapter Nineteen

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"Wait, I'm nervous." Lola hyperventilated, taking sharp-shallow breaths.

"Nervous about what?" Ruby laughed, fixing his tie in the mirror. "Te miras hermosa." He smiled, walking over to take her hands. "Breathe."

"I feel fat." She looked down at her belly, "I'm five months."

"You're beautiful." He pressed a small kiss to her cheek, "you will always be the most beautiful girl to me."

"Ruby?" He hummed, nodding. Then she swallowed, "I love you."

His lips parted as he took a deep breath in, "you what?"

"Don't make me repeat it." She covered her face, "you know how hard it was to get it out the first time I–"

He grabbed her by her waist, pressing his lips onto hers. After a few seconds he pulled away, holding either side of her head in his hands, "I love you, Lolita."

She grinned, licking her lips.

"Okay, listen." Jamal stepped in, "I don't even want to know what that was cause Oscar's waiting outside."

Ruby cursed, jumping back. "Jamal! What the hell? Ever heard of knocking?"

"Ever heard of not kissing your best friends sister?"

Lola ran to Jamal, wrapping her arms around him. "Best friend! You made it."

Jamal gave Ruby a 'you're fucked' look over Lola's shoulder as he wrapped his arms around her. "Yes, but Monse is running late. She said she'd meet us at the church." He stepped back, "Spooky and Cesar are waiting outside for pictures. Ruby can I talk to you?"

"No thank you." Ruby went to follow Lola out but Jamal stopped him, shutting the door and locking it.

"Okay, what the fuck dude?"

Ruby gave him a contorted face, "what?"

Jamal tilted his head, scoffing. "That's all you got? 'What'?"

"Well?" He raised an eyebrow, shrugging a shoulder. "What do you want me to say? You were the one who walked in at an uncalled moment."

"Yeah and it was almost Spooky to walk up in here but I told him I'd get his cologne cause he couldn't see Lola until she was completely ready." Jamal walked around Ruby, grabbing Oscar's cologne from his nightstand. "You're so damn lucky it was me, Ruby."

"Thanks." He inhaled, loosening his tie a bit so he could exhale comfortably. "Listen, I gotta get something off my chest."

"Me too." Jamal swallowed, "and it's pretty important so I think I should probably go first." Ruby nodded, allowing him to do so. "So when we were outside helping set up the balloon arc, you know that little shit that goes.." he drew an arc in the air and Ruby rolled his eyes.

"Can you get to the point?"

"I was getting to that, see you never let me talk, I shouldn't even be telling you cause you never-"

"Enough!" Ruby whined, stomping his foot. "Just tell me, I'll be quiet."

"I over heard Oscar talking to Cesar about some homie named Scissors that got shot a little while back and how the Prophet$ and Santos have been at each others necks ever since."


Jamal kissed his teeth, "so," he mocked in a high-pitched voice. "Cesar told Oscar and I quote: 'mano you think it's safe to have this party in the middle of a gang war?' and Oscar said 'Cesar worry about what involves you, I'll deal with it. Blow your stupid balloon up, I'm gonna go put some cologne on'." Jamal made hand signals over his head, "that's when I said, 'I'll get it Spooky, where is it?' and he said-"

"Okay, you're rambling."

"Moral of the story!" Jamal pointed at him, "This isn't safe and I'm scared something may happen tonight."

"Jamal we're in the middle of Santos territory. I doubt the Prophet$ are stupid enough to roll up in a party full of Santos."

"That's the thing!" Jamal exclaimed, "every single Santo in Freeridge will be here, they wouldn't miss a Spooky party. Even less if it's a family thing, you know how tight the Santos are and-"

Ruby rolled his eyes, "what are you trying to say Jamal?"

"If the Prophet$ really wanted to, they could come here and wet up every Santo in existence, plus their family and the soon-to-be Santos. They will all be here!"

Ruby's lips began to part until his jaw completely dropped. "Oh my god, Jamal. You're right!"

Jamal nodded, "and I-"

"Lola's five months pregnant."

Mas Adelante | Ruby MartinezWhere stories live. Discover now