His jacket

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"Everything calm down. Phew" taking help of walls meera slowly made way towards her room where jungkook was already waiting for today's lesson. When she reached her room she heard something.

It is said that if your one sense of body is weak then your other senses are far more stronger than a normal human. And meera had very good listening senses. The voice she was hearing was melodious, calm and it was soothing.

Such a nice voice? Here?

"who is this?" she asked.

"oh meera!! Its me jungkook"

"jungkook? Were you singing?"

"umm yeah" jungkook nervously scratched his neck. He was not interested in singing in his life, he was just another bathroom singer like us. His passion was artistry so he never explored his singing.

"you are so talented jungkook. What is their in the world you cant do?"

"love any girl other than you" jungkook laughed, he just wanted to change the topic. Meera too laughed along but this time she felt something in her heart at his word. Something burned in her heart and she liked the feeling. "meera shall we start?"

"ah—ah yes"

"its going to finish soon" jungkook analysed by seeing their on-going painting.

They started working on the sketch, but something was wrong. Meera was not focusing. Her mind was hooked up with jungkook's sweet voice. She wanted to hear it again. People fall in love at first sight, she fell in love at first song? How did I not notice his angelic voice before? What was I so busy in to neglect this?

"meera? What are you thinking?"

"about you"

Jungkook blushed "w-what?"

"I mean your voice, jungkook it's so sweet" meera put down her brush and whined "oh please I want to hear you sing, wait" meera started searching for something in her room. "where did it go?"

Meera bumped herself everywhere in room in excitement of finding that thing "haha, it was hear only"

Jungkook's heart clenched at the sight in front of him. He has seen his noona doing the same and somehow he didn't like the scene at all. The clueless state of meera was a painful scene for him. He moved foreward and stopped her by holding her arms from behind.

He whispered in her ear "what are you searching? Tell me"

"i-it just, a voice recorder was here. I was searching for it, s-so that I can record your voice. I will find it" meera tried to free herself but jungkook pulled her back to her place.

"I am your eyes, make use of them. Wait I'll find it" jungkook started searching the recorder in room.

Meera felt warm, jungkook's gestures today were affecting her so much. Why am I getting feeling like those girls in novels. Am I falling for jungkook?


"he is so sweet" Jia said peaking in the room and taehyung just behind was getting jealous that Jia was not giving him attention. Chewing his toffees with no particular interest.

"why don't you learn something from him" taehyung said playing off cool.

"what do you mean?"

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