Chapter Twelve

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take my hand, we'll make it—i swear

"MIJA—YOU WANT TO say grace?" Her mother, Claudia asked taking a hold of her hand. Everyone surrounded the large dining room table, eager to eat. Maria smiled at her mom, taking a second to think of what to say.

"Bendícenos Señor, bendice estos alimentos que por tu bondad vamos a recibir." Maria felt her mother squeeze her hand tightly. "Bendice las manos que los prepararon dale pan al que tiene hambre y hambre de ti al que tiene pan. Amen."

Everyone followed, saying their 'thanks' and 'amen's'—before grabbing plates and self serving. Maria walked off to Mario's side, stealing a roll off his plate.

"That was good," He complimented in a teasing tone. "But I think the thing I'm most thankful for is you." Mario leaned down to quickly kiss her cheek.

"Don't make me vomit," Amber chimes in making a beeline towards the couple. "At least not til I finish eating because everything looks so good." She commented gawking at her full plate.

Maria giggled shaking her head. Her friends were definitely something special.

She drifted off once noting that everyone had already served themselves, before getting her own plate. It was long until she had filled it up with her favorites. Maria walked around her dining room and living room for a space to sit—thankfully Mario saved her one.

Maria sat besides him, Amber, and her younger brother.

Thanksgiving isn't exactly a world-celebrated holiday, and despite her parents and grandparents being descendants from Spain—they did enjoy celebrating American traditions.

The four talked amongst themselves—poking fun at Maria and Carlos's strange family members. She always knew her younger cousins were peculiar. The whole dinner was going well until her mother cracked open the very expensive wine bottle.

This was their own tradition—all the adults and older teens would have a glass, toast, and celebrate. Similar to traditions done on New Years. Maria's very superstitious family helped believed it would ward off evil and show God their appreciation for life.

When her mother first brought in the tradition, Maria was eleven. Far too young to drink, but rather her mother gave the girl apple cider. Once Maria was sixteen, her mother shared a glass of wine—but now at eighteen, her mother, Claudia passed her a full glass. Maria gulped looking at the red wine. Despite the color being beautiful, and smell being sweet—Maria knew she couldn't have any.

Not while pregnant.

There were many risks with drinking and carrying a baby to term. Maria wasn't sure what one glass would do, but she wasn't willing to risk it—even to keep up with appearances. Maria put the glass on the floor, hoping her mother wouldn't notice as she handed glasses to Mario, Amber, and Carlos.

Her mother returned back to the center of the room to start the toast, she said a prayer and spoke off-book about how life has changed. Claudia made a few remarks being (jokingly) thankful that Maria was finally out of the house—Amber found that bit particularly funny. Claudia talked only for another few moments, but to Maria it felt like an eternity.

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