Chapter Thirteen

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step on a crack, break your mama's back

THANKSGIVING SUCKED, it was more than safe to say that. Maria was in her room, buried beneath the covers on her bed—hoping that maybe it would swallow her whole. She finally tugged the sheet off her head, and she leaned up. Despite the room being abnormally dark she could see that Amber's air mattress was empty.

She figured maybe the girl gave her some (needed) space.

After that fiasco, Maria wasn't sure if she wanted to ever show her face around home anymore. Just the intense look of shock and disappointment was far too much. Maria was glad that in a few days, they were leaving.

Thankfully, Amber had family nearby, which they were going to visit before returning back to California. Maria was slightly surprised Mario didn't want to visit his family—he seemed extremely close his siblings and he was saying he felt homesick.

Maria figured she should ask him about it next time.

A knock on her bedroom interrupted her thoughts. She tugged her comforter off her head and glanced at the door. After a moment the door opened and Mario walked in. He took a few long strides, stepping over Amber's makeshift mattress and towards Maria's bed. Without speaking she moved over, leaving him space besides her. Mario sighed laying down and pulling Maria flush against his chest.

Maria couldn't help but let out a few tears.

Her life was changing faster than she expected.

"DO YOU REMEMBER what brand to get?" Amber asked holding up the small grocery list. Maria, Mario, Amber, and Carlos were scouring up and down the long aisles of the grocery store.

"We're Hispanic? We only use Goya," Carlos teased snatching the list back from the girl. Maria could only roll her eyes at her brother's statement—he wasn't exactly wrong. Her family did particularly enjoy Goya's brand more than others, but it was ridiculous to stereotype everyone.

"It's true," Mario said backing him up. The four broke out in laughter as they continued looking for the items on the list. Seeing how they had a few more days until they were visiting Amber's family, Maria figured she would start her chores again.

Granted, her parents still weren't talking to her—it wouldn't stop her from grocery shopping, taking the trash out, or caring for the family pet.

It was a little awkward at home, rather than her parents blowing up on Maria and Mario—they just acted like they weren't there. Maria didn't know which way she would have preferred.

Maria needed her mom—and her family's support for this pregnancy.

As they turned the corner to another aisle, Maria froze. At the other end of it, she could see him.


All the air knocked out of her, as she tried to pull the cart in reverse and doge him. All her friends complained loudly in protest, catching the attention of him.

Maria tried not to look panicked as Chris approached them—every step making Maria's heart pound. Carlos smile fell as he finally noticed Chris approaching, while Amber and Mario glanced at each other warily.

"Maria," Chris flashed her a charming smile before leaning in and kissing her cheek. He then turned towards Carlos to pull him into a half-hug. Despite Maria's dislike for her ex, she knew that Carlos at one point looked up to him. "¿Como estas? I didn't know you were home for the holidays?"

"Where else would I have gone?" She didn't mean for her response to be so bitter, but she knew Chris's game.

Mario sensed the hostility, so he leaned forward extending his hand.

"I'm Mario," He cleared his throat to catch Chris's attention, but the guy didn't dare look away from Maria—as if challenging her. "You must be Chris." Mario seen pictures of him, all from Maria and Carlos. Still in her household he was in their family photos.

"Nice to meet you." Chris smirked tearing his eyes from Maria too look Mario up and down. Maria couldn't help but cower for a moment. The last thing he would want would be the two guys to fight at a small market.

"We should really get going," Maria interrupted the two, pulling Mario close to her side. She was glad she remained hidden behind the cart, otherwise Chris could have seen her small bump. Knowing him, he would create a big deal. "It was nice seeing you." Maria lied, beginning to push the cart down the aisle.

"How far along are you?" Chris asked or turning around. Maria froze in her spot—her hand instantly moving to lay on her stomach. "I'd say maybe two months along? And how long have we been broken up?" He turned around and slowly approached the group again. "Two months as well?"

"WHO DOES HE think he is?" Maria grumbled leaning against the car window. The car remained silent as they listened to Maria rant for the fourth time. "What was he insinuating? That I don't know the own father of my baby?"

Everyone in the car stood quiet, allowing Maria to rant and rave. She had the right to be mad—that's for sure. After enduring months of manipulation and emotional abuse from Chris, he couldn't just try to leach off of her because of a baby.

Maria was smarter than that—and he knew it too.

Maria made it clear to Mario when they first hooked up that she was single—and she was single for a few weeks at that point. There was no doubt in her mind that she wasn't pregnant with Chris's child, but she wasn't sure if Mario was that confident. She side-eye glanced at him from the passenger seat.

His hands remained gripped on the steering in wheel, but his posture remained straight and relaxed. Although, after being by his side for so long—she could tell he was bothered. Maria extended her arm to rest her hand on his. She gave him a small, reassuring smile before looking back at the road.

Thanksgiving break wasn't going to plan at all—and she couldn't imagine how winter break was going to go.

Maybe Mario's family would be more accepting? Maria could only hope.

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