8. White Harbour

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Clip-clop, clip-clop echoed the hooves of the magnificent black horse as it edged forward on the partially paved road towards the port city of White Harbour. Its smooth muscular body seemed at ease as it took each step forward casually edging at the pace deemed necessary by its rider, Ethelston.

Loldirr looked towards its jet black coat as it gleamed in the sunlight and then up towards its rider who seemed to be comfortably placed in the expensive leather saddle.

She huffed as she took one step in front of another on the rugged path. They had been walking for hours and she still hadn't fully recovered from the encounter with the Shadow, Sir Wendon Pykeston.

"When do I get to sit on the horse?" She asked with a hint of venom.

Ethelston didn't even look down but continued to sit up straight with his hand casually resting on his hip. "I offered, you refused."

"I will not sit on your lap!"

Ethelston smiled as he took a little pride in irritating the fiery redhead.

"So what is a Manticore?" Loldirr asked obviously intrigued by Ethelston's title Manticore Hunter.

"You truly don't know what a Manticore is? Where have you been all your life?" Ethelston mocked. He chuckled as he could see Loldirr's brow scrunch up in frustration. "Manticore's are magnificent beasts mostly found in the desserts deep in the realm of Alzerbaad. They have the body of a lion, tale of scorpion and have wings which allow them to fly quickly over great distances. Incredibly rare and extremely dangerous."

This time Loldirr was chuckling. "Seriously? Next you'll be telling me that Dragon's exist!"

Ethelston looked down at her from the top of his horse completely straight-faced. "They do. I've seen three in my lifetime. That is one creature I would never want to be on the wrong side of."

"Dragonslayer would be far easier to say than Manticore Hunter."

Now Ethelston was frowning. "You mock me woman!"

The guffaws from the seagulls were gradually getting louder and the smell of saltwater fish and body odour was becoming more pungent. It must now only be a couple more kilometres until they would set foot into White Harbour.

Ethelston looked down at the sword being carried by Loldirr. "You handled yourself reasonably well with the sword. Fighting the Shadow is no small feat. Few have walked away."

A sigh escaped Loldirr's lips and the frown returned. "I wouldn't have if you didn't arrive when you did." She found it difficult to admit. "I owe you my life." She said begrudgingly refusing to look Ethelston in the eye.

Despite knowing he could take advantage of the situation, Ethelston knew it was not right to do so. "The Shadow was one of the finest swordsman in not just the Isovine Empire but the twelve realms of men. To survive as long as you did shows promise, perhaps I can teach you more?"

That seemed to spark a burst of fury in the green-eyed maiden. "He was toying with me! He could have killed me quickly but wanted the fight to endure for his sport. I should be dead, like Edric, like Willis. But instead I somehow survived for a quest I do not fully comprehend. It should be my head floating down the river, my body twitching from a tree. I do not have promise, just blind luck."

Ethelston smiled once more and faced forwards focusing on the road ahead. "Some call it luck, some call it fate, others call it destiny. I do not speak for the gods, I haven't spoken to them in a long time, but do not disregard your fortune and your sacrifices as pure luck. The dead deserve better."

Loldirr did not respond. The last few days had been beyond ruthless. She had seen her friend, her guardian, her village brutally murdered. She had been on the run almost continuously and had a brush with death herself yet here she was, alive. The least she could do is see through the task Edric had set out for her and continue to survive for Willis' sake.

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