18. Old Acquaintances - Ethelston

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"And what of Arminell? I see you still have him running errands this morning." Erdudvyl took a sip from a golden goblet before delicately placing it back on the hard oak table. As she swallowed, her perfectly formed face displayed a contorted expression.

"That is a thirty-year-old wine from Ruvia. Chamlogne-var-areau. You can't tell me that you don't approve?" Ethelston chuckled as he leant back on his dark mahogany chair, his feet, naked, were placed nonchalantly on the table.

Trying to gulp in the most graceful manner, Erdudvyl placed her back of her hand on her mouth, turning her head away as she swallowed. "I dare say that perhaps you humans have not developed tastebuds." she smiled "We digress, Arminell?"

Ethelston took a smile as his counterpart attempted to remain graceful, but he knew she would not let this question remain unanswered. "I believe he is liked by the men, has experience and seems capable of performing the job well."

Erdudvyl seemed a bit confused by Ethelston's comments. "How could you come to that conclusion after such a short amount of time?"

Unlike Erdudvyl, Ethelston had no grace when drinking his wine. Rocking his head back he took a large gulp before savouring the taste as it slid down his throat. He let out a small satisfied sigh before continuing. "I'm a good judge of character." he winked towards Erdudvyl.

She looked away nervously, briefly, before returning her gaze towards him. "He's hardly trustworthy. He was ordered to not let anyone into the keep by Millendahl, two gold coins later and he just instigated a coup."

"My dear Erdudvyl, " replied Ethelston while removing his feet from the table, "What you did not take heed was how he did it. Yes, he took the coin, yes, he inadvertently got his master sent to the dungeons, but how he did it speaks volumes to me. He sent us in unarmed, and it was a thorough check too."

Erdurdvyl frowned, "I remember, he seemed particularly eager to check for hidden daggers on Loldirr."

Ethelston's laugh echoed through the hall, a laugh that was infectious and encouraged Erdudvyl to follow suit. Perhaps the wine was loosening up the little Elf.

"Next, he escorted us into the keep, prepared to take full responsibility for his actions. I say that speaks positively for his character." continued Ethelston

Erdudvyl appeared to scoff at his comment. "You humans set low standards for positive characters."

"I need to do a few check-ups, but I believe he can steer the city guard in the right direction." Ethelston replied.

Erdudvyl shook her head slightly knowing that Ethelston was unlikely to change his mind on the subject. "What of Millendahl's right-hand man, I forget his name."

"Kirken?" replied Ethelston, watching Erdudvyl as she nodded "Kirken has been a loyal member of his household for years. He served my father before he served Millendahl."

"And from what I hear, you father was betrayed?" Erdudvyl replied callously.

A small frown appeared on Ethelston's face.

"I apologise, " Erdudvyl confessed "I forget that a humans need for honesty is somewhat subjective." seeing that this response irritated Ethelston further she turned and took a long hard look in her goblet.

"There is no proof that Kirken was involved, besides, I'll need his diplomatic skills when he accompanies you to Lionmane."

Erdudvyl turned her head back quickly "Lionmane?"

Taking another gulp from his goblet, Ethelston wiped the corner of his mouth with his sleeve. "Removing Millendahl from Ravenscourt creates one huge problem, the Emperor." he explained "Millendahl was an avid supporter of the Emperor, therefore, the Emperor will likely be concerned that he has lost half of his Empire."

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