14. The Elemental Sorceress

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Loldirr stared intently at the lifeless flower in her hand. It was dry, crumbling and completely devoid of life. She had held this flower for a good hour now, constantly staring at it despite a growing frustration feeding on the back of her mind that she was wasting her time.

"Feel the void that was once the flowers life, focus on that and fill it with what it lacks." instructed Erdudvyl.

With a sigh, Loldirr stared at it once more. She was wasting her time. They had been doing this same mundane task for days, and for all those days the results were the same. The flower was still dead.

With a quick glance, she spotted Erdudvyl's face. A hint of resentment, a touch of frustration and lots of pent up anger. She had sat with Loldirr, day after day after day to coax this so-called power that the red-head possessed with no reward. The little elf didn't appear to like Loldirr and Ethelston when they arrived, she seemed to like them less now.

"The flower is not the only thing with a void." Ethelston sighed while he laid on his back staring at the sky.

Loldirr stood up abruptly and threw the flower to one side. "Ethelston's right, this is a pointless exercise. Maybe I just don't have the power you believe."

"Goddammit human, why can't you keep your voice down." Erdudvyl reprimanded Ethelston. She was at a boiling point too.

Ethelston just chuckled at the little Elf's resentment. He did not move from his spot knowing that this would likely frustrate Erdudvyl even more.

It was working, but before she reacted, two guards walked along the wall of the courtyard where they sat. There were too many eyes watching their every move and Erdudvyl was concerned comments were being relayed to the other priests in the tower.

Taking a deep breath, Erdudvyl walked gracefully towards Loldirr, keeping her head and posture upright. "We must keep on training, you will get somewhere, eventually."

Loldirr picked up on the bitterness in Erdudvyl's words and frowned in response. "You two are just about pushing me to the edge." she warned. The words appeared to encourage Ethelston to sit upright.

"You are being placed under pressure from this man, " Erdudvyl complained while pointing towards Ethelston, "I don't know why you tolerate his presence. If he wasn't here, perhaps you would feel more relaxed and..."

"Woah, wait a minute lady!" Ethelston reacted by standing up and crossing his arms in protest.

"Ethelston stays!" Loldirr answered back abruptly.

As Ethelston smiled arrogantly towards Erdudvyl, he spotted the angry look of Loldirr turning towards him.

"And Erdudvyl stays too. Ethelston, you go on about how I'm the Empress of the Isovine Empire, while Erdudvyl, you go on about how I'm the Elemental Sorceress. I am a hunter, I know how to use a bow and arrow, nothing more. I am not this all powerful being that you both claim I am." Loldirr argued.

Ethelston placed a hand on her shoulder which was instantly shrugged off aggressively by Loldirr.

"Don't! You have not been helpful since we left White Harbour, don't try and give me sympathy, it is not what you are here for." Loldirr scolded Ethelston.

He took a step back and folded his arms. "You're right, and I apologise, I have not been there when you needed it." pausing, Ethelston looked at Erdudvyl. "It has not been helped by the complete lack of stimulation these uptight elves provide."

Erdudvyl looked at Ethelston with confusion edged into her face. "What is that supposed to mean?"

A wide grin appeared on his face. "You see, a man should not spend a considerable amount of time without the sweet embrace of the fairer sex. It builds up a certain level of frustration in which very little can be used as a substitute. You Elves seem to be incapable of giving your own kind that type of embrace let alone anyone else."

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