11. Gryffinfall

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There was an unbelievable beauty about the city of Gryffinfall. The capital of the northeastern part of the elven provinces sat upon a constructed lake and sat upon a cliff overlooking the crystal ocean. The city seemed to hover high above the water while its twenty-metre bright white smooth walls made it one of the most impressive sights one could imagine.

It was called the bastion of light and in its ten thousand years since it was built, it had never been breached.

Despite its indomitable daunting features, its marble and golden buildings were one of unimaginable art. Towers extended high in the sky, with the mage's tower in the centre of the city appearing to touch the clouds. Everything was smooth and round, there were no deformities, no edges to anything, the elves simply had made everything perfect.

The large docks sat below the city and housed a number of ships of various designs and size. Two huge ships sat just outside of the docks facing inwards. They dwarfed the Sea Horse as it carefully edged its way towards its berth. Lines of elven archers in their golden-white armour stood along the flanks of the ships like statues. This level of stature, discipline and beauty was something that Loldirr could never have imagined seeing before in her lifetime.

As the portside ship gradually blocked out the sun, Loldirr stood there in amazement.

"Elves are an impressive people, " Ethelston encouraged "but trust me when I say their hospitality will not be anywhere near as impressive."

Loldirr frowned, not appreciating his words of discouragement. This beauty had to be savoured, and their accomplishments praised.

"Can't you just appreciate this beauty. I've never seen anything like it."

Ethelston chuckled as he grabbed his belongings and made his way to the gangway. "I've been to a number of places around this world, I've met many races including Orcs, Goblins, Halflings and Draconids, and to this day I have never met anyone as arrogant and condescending as an Elf." he said rubbing his tired darkened eyes.

"More than you?" an angered Loldirr reacted.

Ethelston laughed. "Certainly my fiery redhead."

The walk up to the outer city gates was a difficult one for Ethleston. After settling their accounts with the Captain, they proceeded up the road but it was steep and long. Ethletson had lost a lot of energy on this voyage across the crystal ocean. Each time he stumbled, Loldirr had to help him to his feet. His arrogance and pride dictated that he do what he could without any assistance, but each time the helping hand came he would let out a small grunt and nod in appreciation.

The golden gates of the city towered above them as they reached the top of the cliff, it's various elven symbols embroidered up along its structure made Loldirr stare in awe, but as Loldirr admired the structure, Ethelston studied the long queue to the two elves sat at a chair approving or rejecting applications into the city. Either side of them stood a complement of soldiers standing upright with hands-on steel and silver ready to draw at an instant. He looked up and watched as the number of archers that manned the walls were enough to take down a small army. It was likely that this was only a small complement of the soldiers within the city.

Considering most of the people requesting access to the city were merchants, tourists, refugees and guild members, it was unlikely that they would last long against this show of force.

As they waited, a small incident could be heard up ahead. It seemed like some human merchants were raising their voices towards the elves who sat approving applications. The only voices that could be heard were the humans as they shouted in argument. The elves mouths could be seen moving, but their voices not heard. As some elven soldiers unsheathed their swords, the humans quickly rescinded their argument, backing down within an instant. Despite them backing down, it didn't stop the Elves from escorting them to a small outdoor prison at the base of the walls.

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