13. The Trial of the Sphere

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Standing on the balcony overwatching the two humans sparring, Erdudvyl felt somewhat disheartened by the conversation that had taken place with her fellow peers. Being the youngest priestess within the tower, she had never been taken seriously. Being the daughter of the high priest meant that others believed she hadn't earned the position.

The truth was far different. She had worked harder and longer than her peers and she was far more gifted, especially as she was a Sorceress of the Elements. Or perhaps these thoughts were just compounding her arrogance and actually the truth was she simply believed herself to be far more important than she actually was.

Watching Loldirr struggle to defend against the blistering speed that Ethelston was fighting her with seemed to reinforce her concerns.  This Loldirr was a human for one, she didn't seem to possess any unique skills, and it certainly didn't seem like she controlled any of the elemental spheres. She was risking everything on someone who seemed so ordinary.

Erdudvyl could feel someone entering her presence, turning her head she spotted the fair-skinned silver-haired priest that was her father. She smiled out of courtesy but knew she was about to be rebuked about the previous events.

"My darling daughter, I believe you have gone to far this time." Vaalyun, the high priest of the tower chastised.

Edurdvyl sighed before gracefully turning her head towards the tall Elf holding the high priest's sceptre. "You always taught me to do what I felt was right and for the good of all Elves, " she turned back towards the two sparring partners. "Whatever the cost."

"They will rule to exile you, you must realise that. You will not be welcome in any elven city any more. Is that a risk you are willing to take for these Wiðgýnan." the high priest commented.

"Wiðgýnan is such a derogatory name. Outcast is better, and as I said, whatever the cost." Erdudvyl replied somewhat disheartened, knowing that an immortal life away from her own kind could await her.

Vaalyun scowled at his stubborn committed daughter. "You better be right, otherwise you will lose the Ar Moal name along with this stupidity." Not hesitating to hear her response, the High Priest turned furiously and walked away from her presence abruptly.

Erdudvyl wiped away a tear rolling down her cheek and took a long deep breath to withstand the floodgates of tears that wanted to burst forward. Padding down her white flowing gown, she proceeded to meet the two refugees.

Gracefully taking her first steps onto the courtyard she was immediately taken aback by the buff physique of Ethelston as he leant down and gulped water from the fountain near where they trained.

As Ethelston looked up at her, he saw her face scrunch up in a disapproving manner. He smiled, but Erdudvyl immediately turned her gaze from him and headed towards Loldirr who had sat under the tree.

"Loldirr, please come with me." Erdudvyl carefully asked.

Loldirr stood and looked down at the petite elven figure in front of her. "Where are we going?"

"I shall explain along the way. Your mercenary friend must remain here."

Looking up to the shirtless Ethelston she wanted to get some indication of his thoughts. He briefly looked at her, then at Erdudvyl, and then back at Loldirr before giving a small nod of approval.

Leading the way, Erdudvyl glided into the tower with Loldirr closely in tow. Instantly, Loldirr was mesmerised by the architecture in the building and how it was so much more sophisticated than anything she had encountered before.

"What do you know of the Sorcerers of the Elements?" Erdudvyl asked as they walked past two elven guards.

Loldirr studied them as they looked back with disdain on their faces. "I don't know what you are talking about."

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