chapter 13

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I looked around the white room in a daze, I was in a hospital. I looked around and saw Alex sitting in a corner with his hands covering his face. I heard the door slowly open and saw a doctor walk in with a clipboard. He did a few tests on me and then took Alex out into the hallway for a few moments. The door opened again and Alex walked in alone; he walked over to the side of my hospital bed and took my hand in his, rubbing his thumb across it.

"Raine, it's all going to be okay," he said, "the doctor just said you lost a lot of your memory from falling down the stairs. He said you might get some of it back later."

I couldn't even remember who I was at the moment. I remembered Alex's name, but I couldn't remember my own. I almost actually giggled; I would remember who I was later, it didn't seem important at the moment. I realized my name was Raine, since he just called me that, but everything else was hidden in a fog. I looked up at his eyes, they were so beautiful, there were specks of green swirled around the dark blue, it was almost mesmerizing. I tried to remember what had happened to get me into the hospital with no luck.

"Raine, I'm so glad you are okay," Alex said smiling.

I opened my mouth to talk but was interrupted by the doctor coming into the room, "I hope everything is going well for you, miss-"

Alex quickly interrupted him as I started to doze off again, "Yes, she's perfectly fine. When can I take her home?"

"Soon, a few hours maybe. We are just waiting for some final test results."

I gasped when I woke up clutching onto my pillow, the sight of Alex anywhere, even in my dreams, freaked me out. I wiped my eyes after I realized I had been crying. It had been upsetting that Alex was the only one there for me when it had happened, my parents never showed up. At the time it wasn't incredibly upsetting, as I couldn't even remember them.

I looked around the dark room for a second and then realized it was still night time. I felt someone's presence in the room, I could just tell that someone was sitting there watching me. I turned around again, trying to fall back asleep and ignore the feeling. A hand grazed my shoulder and I gasped, attempting to move out of the bed, but I was paralyzed.

"Don't move, sweetheart. Everything is okay now," Alex whispered into my ear.

I started to scream as loud as I could, causing someone to almost break down my door.

"Raine, what's wrong? Are you okay?" I heard Ryan.

I turned around and no one was next to me. Alex wasn't there, I was okay.

"Raine, look at me, are you okay?" Ryan was looking directly at me, studying me.

"Yes, I'm fine," I said, out of breath, "I'm fine. I just had a bad dream."

"Are you sure? You look like you just saw a ghost or something."

"Yes, I'm fine Ryan," he raised his eyebrows, "Ryan, really I'm fine."

Ryan sighed, "I hate seeing you like this."

I didn't know what to say so he continued talking, "I care about you too much to see you like this. We are safe Raine, I know you are still worried about him finding us, but I'm one hundred percent sure that he won't find us."

"If you want, we can wait to go get Alexa, I know you really want to. But you look in bad shape right now and I don't want to push you past your limits."

He was trying to get me to back down, "No, Ryan. We are going tomorrow. I'm worried, not sick. I'm still going to go get her."

"I hoped that you would have changed your mind," Ryan said.

"Well I didn't," I snapped.

Ryan groaned, "I don't want him to ever be able to get you again. Why don't you get that? We can't go get her. I can't lose you."

"Yes we can," I raised my voice, "I owe her."

"No, you don't," Ryan yelled, his eyes filling with tears, "I can't lose you again, Raine, please."

"You don't understand at all Ryan, I do owe her. I'm going to go find her. You can't stop me."

I got out of bed and grabbed my bag, "give me the keys."

"No. Raine, it's four in the morning, you aren't going anywhere. We can wait till morning."

"Yes, I am, you can't make me stay."

"I'm not giving you the keys."

"Fine, I'll walk," I yelled and walked out, slamming the door behind me. I put on my shoes and started towards the front door.

I started out the front door totally ignoring Lindsey walking down the stairs to try and comprehend the chaos. I started up the cold driveway of her house and paused, it was cold, very cold. You couldn't see the moon out, clouds were covering it. I felt a drop of water hit my face, then another. The rain started coming down faster and faster, the wind blew the rain against me and it felt like little, tiny daggers hitting my back.

I sat down and covered my face, I couldn't go back into the house after making a scene like that. Lightning flashed across the sky, lighting it up, everything was bright for a second and then it went back to complete darkness. Soon, you could hear the roaring thunder, making me jump. The house lights suddenly lit up and revealed someone on the front porch looking around. He spotted me and ran in the rain towards me, stopping next to me.

We didn't say anything for a few moments, he just sat next to me while it was still pouring down rain. It was a peaceful silence though. He knew that I didn't want to talk about it at the moment, I just needed someone with me.

I heard Ryan sigh, "Raine, are you ready to go back inside now."

Trying not to start another disagreement, I walked into the house with him and just went straight up to my room. As I was walking up the stairs something suddenly occurred to me. I still had my cell phone and I had Alex's cell phone number saved in it. As I walked into the dark room, I already had the whole plan mapped out in my head. I would text him, not call him I couldn't take any chances with Ryan hearing me, and I would see if there was any way I could help Alexa.

I grabbed my phone out of my bag and quickly texted Alex,

Alex, it's Raine, let Alexa go. You can have me, just let her go. She doesn't deserve this.

He texted back almost instantly,

I didn't think that you could get away from Ryan enough to even contact me. Anyways, no, I won't let Alexa go. Unless you come to me first, then I will let her go.

I already had my mind set on leaving so I guess I'll just do it a little bit earlier and alone. I texted him back agreeing to go to him and then he texted me the address of the place he was. I wrote down the address then erased my messages just in case. I slipped my phone back into the pocket of my bag and turned off the lamp next to me. How would I get there?

Ryan's car was an option, I don't think a taxi would come out here and I'm not even sure who to call for that. How was I supposed to get Ryan's car? I couldn't get it, so that was definitely not an option. I got out of bed and walked towards where Ryan and Lindsey's rooms, I could hear snoring. I went back into my room and shut the door. I pulled out my phone and went into the bathroom, locking the door behind me just in case. I dialed his number and waited.

He picked up on the second ring, "Hello darling."

"I don't have a ride," I said.

"I can fix that. Just tell me where you are and I will come to get you."

I went back into the bedroom and looked around for envelopes, I found one and quickly read out the address to him.

"Okay, I'll be there soon. I'll text you when I'm almost there. It may be a few days."

"Remember to come during the night, I don't want Ryan to know you are here."

"I'm not stupid. Of course, I'll come during the night. I will let you know when I'm an hour away. And, Raine?"


"Don't let me down."

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