Chapter Two

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          Okay...we've been in Vietnam for two days now, and there hasn't been a single moment that did not reach my expectations. 

          When I stepped off that plane, after a gruelling fourteen-hour flight, I felt my heart throb with feelings that I'd been bottling up for, quite literally, decades. It was so emotional for me. I thought about all those times when I was a young girl, fantasizing about this magnificent country I so desperately wished to travel. My dreams had finally turned into reality.

          These last thirty hours have been pretty hectic, but also super fun. To summarize things up quickly, the flight landed in Hanoi the other day, around 11:00 pm, Pacific Time. 

          After going through customs, we hopped in a taxi that drove us to our hotel. The entire ride allowed us to experience an enticing first-hand glance at the city, and what it had to offer.

          Even though the group was tired and jet-lagged, we didn't waste any time, and set out to visit the famous Old Quarter section of the city. There, Christina and I did some light shopping, before the four of us had a late lunch—beef spring rolls and pho noodle soup, which tasted delicious.

          Later, in the evening, Oscar suggested that we go check out the Vietnam War Memorial. I feel very privileged to say I have been there. You could really sense the patriotism and pride the Vietnamese people hold for that monument. I made sure to take lots of photos.

          This morning, we all hung around at the hotel pool. The boys and I threw the football around and had a couple of drinks, while Christina worked on her tan.

          Then, during the afternoon, our group went on a tour to the Hanoi Hilton (Hoa Lo Prison), which they even made a movie about back in 1987. I'm not going to lie, some of it was pretty creepy! Though I managed to make it through with Shawn by my side. If it weren't for him, I don't know what I would have done.

          Now, the four of us are relaxing in a local pub, sipping on some drinks to end off another lovely day. The sounds of laughter and chatting fill the room as Christina and I sit alone at a table.

          "So Jane, tell me. What's been your favourite part of our trip so far?" she asks while taking a swig of beer.

          I shake my head. "God, I don't even know. The whole thing's been so surreal."

          "Okay, but if you had to pick just one thing, what would it be?"

          I pause for a moment, really taking it in. "Honestly, just making all the wonderful memories with you guys."

          Christina smiles. "Well aren't you a sweetheart. I thought for sure you were gonna say the prison tour from today."

          "Oh, don't get me wrong, it was super interesting," I admit, taking a sip of my Gin and Tonic. "But it was a little scary knowing they used to torture people there!"

          "That's why we picked it—because we knew you'd love that," she jokes.

          "Yup, I can always count on you guys." I chuckle. "Though it was cool to be taken on a tour, opposed to giving one. I'm always doing that kind of stuff for a living back home, right?"

          "Yeah, I was just about to say, that must've been an interesting experience for you. Did you feel the tour guide did a good job?"

          I nod. "Oh yeah, he did fine. Giving tours isn't so much about skill or talent. It's more about just being open and friendly with your audience."

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