Chapter Four

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          Branches and leaves crack as Shawn guides us through the jungle.

          "Okay, would you rather have my sweaty socks inside your mouth, or have to clean my earwax for a week?" Oscar asks, pushing past some overgrown ferns.

          "Ew, what the hell," Christina retorts with a grossed-out facial expression.

          Shawn laughs. "Probably just clean your ears. To be honest, I kinda like that stuff in a weird way, you know?"

          "Wow, you guys are weird," Christina says, ducking her head under some vines hanging from a tree. "I think you should consider therapy."

          "I've tried that before," Oscar tells her. "But all the therapists I've gone to have rejected me, because they said I was a little too crazy."

          Christina shakes her head. "Well, maybe you could try admitting yourself into a psych ward?"

          Shawn laughs even harder. "I don't think they'll accept him either."

          On a side note, I'm still a little shaken up after what happened back on the beach, with that whole anxiety feeling in my stomach. It just seemed so strange to me. I still can't figure out why. In the end, I decided not to tell the group. I didn't want to create any unnecessary drama. Luckily, I'm starting to relax a little. Hearing Oscar's funny voice is helping me cheer up.

          "Here's another one. Would you rather lick the bottom of my dirty shoe, or eat a piece of gum that had already been chewed on?"

          "That's actually a tough call," Shawn admits, taking out more bushes with his stick. "It depends. At least tell me what kind of gum it is?"

          "Does that really matter?" Christina complains. "Either way, it's disgusting what he's saying."

          "Yeah, but if it's that rare Double Bubble gum we used to collect as kids, then it might actually be worth it."

          "How much longer till we get there?" I interrupt. 

          Shawn stops for a break. "Shouldn't be too much further. Pierre said it was a quick hike from the beach."

          The birds chirp blissfully in the trees, as if guiding the way for us.

          "Good." Christina throws her hands up in the air like she just won a marathon. "I can't wait to get in the water. It's fucking hot."

          "We've literally been walking for two minutes," Oscar reminds her. "Are you seriously tired already?"

          "I said I was hot, not tired, dummy." She pokes him in the chest. "And by the way, your shirt's inside out."

          Oscar's cheeks go red as his eyes slowly glance downward. "Oh...yeah...about that. I was just gonna—"

          "Shhh." She places her index finger upon his lips, cutting off his speech. "Save it, sweetheart." She continues walking onward, now leading the way, her hips swaying side to side.

          Oscar whispers to Shawn, "Damn! She's crazy, man."

          "Maybe you should've taken the bigger tent, bro," Shawn teases, giving him a pat on the back.

          We carry on through the jungle, now stepping down a small hill. 

          "Guys, I think we're getting close!" Christina shouts in the distance. "Get over here!"

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