Chapter Thirteen

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          Yes. There he is. Dean Johnson—the boy who stole my heart on the Seattle monorail—looking just as handsome as I remember. First, it was the thought of him while I looked out of the plane window back home. Then the picture of us together I noticed on my phone at the campfire last night, then the mirror he gave me that I found up on the ridge—and now standing right before me. His smooth brown hair trails off to the side, combed back like he always used to wear it. We stare into each others' eyes, the contact between us never once breaking. It feels just like that day I got on the monorail and saw him for the first time. 

          "Hello, Jane," he eventually says in a monotone voice, along with a deadpan look. "Long time no see."

          It takes a minute to process what he said, the darkness making his facial expression somewhat hard to read. His familiar voice is so chilling, yet so soothing at the same time.

          "You—you're not r-real...are you?" I ask, softly.

          Dean gives me a simple smirk. "I'm whatever you want me to be, Jane. You know I'm always here for you when you need someone to talk to."

          I gulp, feeling shivers run down my spine. "None of this is real, is it?"

          He shrugs, his head shaking slowly. "Only time will tell."

          Jesus. I can't even comprehend what is happening. I blink several times, part of me wanting to wake up from this nightmare, the other part of me so lost in Dean I could die at just the sight of him. The longer I look into his eyes, the more I realize just how fucking much I've missed him.

          "Come on," he then says, reaching out a welcoming hand. "Let's take a swim together. Just like old times, right?"

          I hesitate at first, my instincts telling me to stand my ground. Everything has been going downhill to this point, but just the thought of being closer with Dean makes my skin crawl with goosebumps. 

          "O-okay," I reply faintly.

          Before I know it, my legs are naturally leading towards him. Even if I wanted to, I don't think I could stop myself. The two of us are like magnets, pulling one another closer. The water is cool and calm just like I remember, but with Dean here it takes me to a whole new world. A whole new realm. I become so lost in the moment; everything else fades away.

          When our hands finally make contact—just the tips—I feel a shockwave of electricity flow through my body. But I'm not afraid of the feeling. I'm simply letting go of everything. Dean and I slowly get closer, embracing one another as he eventually wraps his arms around me. Our foreheads rest on one another—our hot, steamy breath radiating between the two of us until our lips are only millimetres apart.

          "I've been thinking about you a lot lately," he says.

          "I—I've been thinking about you, too." I can't help but admit it. I've been lying to myself far too long.

          "You're always on my mind, Jane. From the second I wake up, to the moment I fall asleep. Even in my dreams, you're there haunting me."

          "Oh, Dean baby," I whimper, feeling another hot tear trickle down my cheek. "God...I'm so scared."

          "I know." He gives me a kiss on my forehead, his soft lips making me quiver. "And that's why I've come to rescue you. You were always my little damsel in distress."

          We both laugh, taking a moment to ourselves as our lips graze over one another.

          "Do you trust me?" Dean asks.

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