Chapter 2, Confusion.

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Kokichis POV:

I wake up feeling really warm, still in my clothes. i try to get up and realize something is grabbing me from behind. what did i do last night? i remember jumping on Kiibos back and kissing him but that's about it..

After a couple of minutes of struggling I feel what or whoever it is behind me let go and move. I quickly sit up and look to my side to see..Kiibo..? Why am I in bed...with a robot?!

"Mm...morning Ouma.."

"What the fuck?? Why are we in bed together? What did you do?"

"Hey, hey..calm down. I'll explain in a minute.."

"I'm not gonna calm down, I'm laying in bed with a fucking robot!"

Kiibo wraps his arms around my waist, I feel like I'm going to throw up..I think that's what this feeling is..?

"Just lay down.."

"No! Tell me why I'm in bed with you!!"

Kiibo sighs "fine. After you kissed fell asleep on my shoulder. So I took you here since your door is..still kicked in..."

"But why were you cuddling me..?!"

Kiibo stays silent. I push him away, glad he didn't take my clothes off.

Quickly I head for the door and dash out, hoping he doesn't get *too* upset.

I lock the door behind me and lay on my bed silently. Why is Kiibo acting this way..? All it was was one kiss...he doesn't think it's more...does he?

I grab my headphones from off the floor, along with my phone and listen to music silently. Feeling annoyed by the light I put my arms over my eyes, i can finally relax at least a little...

Narrator's POV:

Kokichi still lays there, unable to hear the knocks at his door from Kiibo.
The longer he didn't respond, the longer Kiibo got worried. Feeling guilty for doing so, Kiibo enters his dorm without permission. He silently closes the door behind him before going over to Kokichi and gently kissing him on the lips

"W-what the fuck!!" Kokichi yelled, pushing Kiibo away

Kokichi pushed his back up against the wall, startled by Kiibo.

"Sorry, did I scare you?"

"Uh, yes! You just entered my room without permission and kissed me!"

"Sorry Ouma-kun."

"You better be sorry! I don't know what you are thinking, but we are just friends! Nothing else!!"

After these words, Kiibo felt a sharp pain in his chest, as if he just got crushed. Despite this, he tried not to show it.

Silence flooded the room for about 5 or 10 minutes before Kokichi spoke up once again

"..the kiss I gave you that one time was to shut you up..and...that's not a lie...nothing more..okay? But. Can you leave..I don't want to be around someone like you right now.."

Kiibo nodded and left, not wanting to upset the supreme leader more.

Kokichi layed back down on his bed and stared at the ceiling while Kiibo sat on his bed, upset.

After a couple minutes of thinking. Ouma grabbed some paper and pencils, before he did anything with them, he gave Tsumugi a call. As well as a request.

~time skip to a couple hours later~

Kiibos POV:

God...I'm so stupid....why would I kiss him...he doesn't like me..and I don't like him! So..why did I do it? And why when he told me we were just friends did it...hurt...

Knock Knock Knock

I sigh and stand up to answer the door. Opening it, I see Ouma. Standing there with a bag and a sad smile on his face.

Silence takes over both of us for a couple seconds before Ouma speaks

"Hey are you..?"

"Good...want to come in..?"

Kokichi nods and sits on my bed, I sit next to him

"Sooo uh. I brought you some stuff. It took me a while to get a bit of it. So. I hope you like it."

Ouma hands me the bag and instantly panic takes over him

"I-I gotta go.. saihara and I need to talk.. so um.... b-bye!! Hope you like the gift..."
With that, Ouma dashes out, forgetting to close the door behind him.

I take the stuff out of the bag and place it on my bed. Slowly I go through it. There was two pieces of paper and what looks like a shirt.

I take the shirt and have a look at it. It's a light blue colour and says the words "best robot ever" on in dark blue. Underneath is a little chibi version of me. I smile slightly and put it to the side, I look at the papers.

One of them was a drawing of Kokichi hugging me, it was pretty detailed. The other was a apology note for how mean Kokichi was being to me.

I put the drawing up on my wall and put the note in my drawer. Grabbing the shirt, I start to take off my white hoodie.

After putting the shirt on, I smile, feeling happy i got this from Ouma out of everybody.

Narrator's POV:

Suddenly a sound outside Kiibos door could be heard, followed by Ouma giving a slight scream that sounded very girly.

Kiibo instantly looked over to his door, which was now opening more than before. Ouma was sat there, gripping his head with one hand.


Quickly, Kiibo ran to Kokichi, helping him to his feet.

"O-Ouma-kun are you okay?"

"Yeah.." blood started dripping from Oumas head.

"Don't lie to me!" Kiibo pulls Kokichi onto his bed and grabs bandages.

Instantly, he treats his wound. Obviously caring a lot about the smaller boy.

Kokichis POV:

The entire time he treated my head I stared into his eyes..not even caring about my wound, honestly..
Hes a can his eyes be so pretty..

After a couple minutes, Kiibo finally notices me staring.

"Is there a problem, Ouma-kun?"

"Uh. No Kiiboy."

"Are you sure? You looked into my eyes for a long while there.."

"Yeah, I'm mentally comparing your eyes with a actual humans eyes is all."

"Oh um..okay?" Kiibo says. Slightly confused.
"How does that feel anyway Ouma? Better?"

The pretty blue colour of his eyes are so attracting...and their shine..makes them so goddamn cute...n-no..why am I thinking this way? He is a robot. Stop being stupid Ouma.



I jump back. Only just realizing how close Kiibos face was to mine.

"Sorry If I scared you, but you zoned out. Are you okay?"

I nod, feeling my heartbeat quicken up.

"Good, I tried my best to stop the bleeding. I hope I didn't hurt you too much in the process"

" didn't. Thank you though"

"Oh. While you have the chance, can you tell we what you was doing outside of my d-"

"I have to go! I'm feeling lightheaded and want to sleep!"

With that sudden lie, I dash out his room once again and head to mine. I quickly shut the door and flop down on my bed. Someday I will understand these feelings.


Word count:1238

Time took: a hour or so

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