Chapter 14, is it too late?

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Narrator's POV:

Kokichi and the others searched for hours and hours..looking everywhere they could...though there was no sign of the robot anywhere..kokichi fell to his knees, his white trousers being slightly dirtied by the mud. He began to sob into his hands, repeating "hes gone.." over and over again. No one from the academy thought he could get like this. But from how much has happened with him and of isnt surprising at this point. The liar gripped his hair tightly. He had never cried like this before..and honestly it was painful to watch, for everyone at this point..they could feel his pain. Maki and shuichi comforted the Purplenette as the rest continued to look around. Though there was still no sign of him. Eventually they had to drag kokichi from the academy, they stepped foot into what was their new world. No cage. No being trapped. No limits. Bright sky, birds flying around. And people. A lot of people. Kokichi, who was now being carried by maki, continued to sob before she put him back onto his own feet. He sniffled and wiped away his tears, looking up from the ground for the first time in a while, there he saw kiibo flying back down infront of him.

"Hello everyone, I apologize for disappearing like that. But there was something I needed to se-"

Without hesitation, the small boy sprinted to his beloved, wrapping his arms around his neck and burying his face in his neck.

"Stupid!!! Stupidstupidstupidstupid!! You s-scared me so b-b-badly Kiibo! D-dont ever do that ever again!!"

Kiibo was a little shocked though expected this in a way. He wrapped his arms around the smaller boy, holding him close and burying his face in oumas neck a little.

"I apologize kokichi, I shouldnt have done that."

Ouma mumbled to himself before looking up at the robot with teary eyes.

"Its okay just...don't do that again.."

Ouma sobbed into the robots shoulder for a while. So long that they ended up on their knees together, kiibo holding him close. Kiibo nuzzled kokichis head softly, the smaller boys soft purple hair brushing against his nose slightly. After what felt like forever, the liar stopped crying. Sniffling and wiping away his tears with his sleeve. He looked back up at his beloved and just smiled, sharing eye contact with him.

"So..what now?"

"All of us should probably go and see our families. If not that, then just hang out together I guess." Shuichi suggested.

"Do you have anyone you want to see kokichi?"

He shook his head almost instantly. Doesnt he have a family or something? Kiibo nodded, despite wondering about him and got up, helping kokichi up too. From there they started to part ways. Shuichi going off to see his grandparents, maki and kaito going off together to see his grandparents. Most of them just off to see their families. The two that remained was kokichi and kiibo, looking back into one anothers eyes once they were alone.

"..what about you kiibo?"


"Dont you have anyone you want to see?"

"..yeah..I guess I do"

"Then let's go, why waste time?"

He nodded, picking ouma up.

"You dont mind if I fly, right?"

"Not at all, just please hold me tight and do not let me see the ground."

Once again, he nodded. Doing as the Purplenette asked and flying off to the one place familiar to him. He put ouma down and held his hand, taking him in the building and looking around before eventually coming face to face with a man.


"Hello master.."

"I..I thought I'd never see you again.."

Idabashi hugged the robot tightly, tearing up a little before letting go and glancing at ouma.


The smaller boy did a small wave, smiling sweetly.

"Its been forever since I've seen you..infact..I dont think I've seen you since you were both little.."

" havent."

"Look at you grown up huh?"

Kokichi nodded, scooting closer to kiibo once more.

"I saw you two holding hands when you came In, you two have always been close, hm?"

"Yeah, we have."

"Have you felt love yet kiibo?"

His eyes widened slightly, a bit taken aback from the sudden question.
"Yes, I have actually.."

"I..I didnt even know that was possible..whos the lucky one hm?"

"Well.." kiibo glanced at kokichi, their eyes meeting for a split second before they both blushed heavily. "Haha.."

"I see, I'm guessing you two want me to let you go now, huh? If you ever need anything, you both know where to come."

They nodded and waved goodbye, leaving and looking at eachother.

"So...where do we go from here?"

"Well. I'm guessing we have to start our own lives now."

"..i guess you're right.."

" wrong kokichi?"

"Not at all."

"You're lying to me, I can tell.."

"Getting better at figuring me out, huh kiiboy?"

"I always have been good at it what's up?"

" wont forget me if we end up parting ways, will you?"

Kiibo shook his head. "Of course not."

"..then..can we stay together.. just to make sure.."

"Stay together how?"

"..I want to live with you kiibo..I want to sleep next to you..I want hold me.."

"..go on.."

"...I want you to be mine please...will you be my boyfriend?"

Kiibo looked a little shocked to start with, though his hands eventually slipped into oumas grasp and he found himself staring into his purple eyes, slowly getting lost in them.

"..yes. yes I will.."

"We will be together forever...right..?"

"Of course we will kokichi."

"Promise me."

"I promise"


This is the end of this story, yaaayy!! Sorry it's so short and bad. Ouma seems nothing like his usual self in this either. I apologize. But its obviously my first story and I'm trying to get better.

I will be posting other fanfics, probably mostly danganronpa Haha. But if you are interested go check out my other social media, you might like them too ;)

Youtube: MegaMystic
Instagram: oma_edits
Tik tok: milescosplays123

Word count: 1041 words.

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