Minute before midnight

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Jeongguk was walking in the garden when he felt presence near. He turned around few times, seeing nothing but few birds and small ants passing by.

"Is anyone here?" He asked softly, still looking around. And then he heared some sounds coming from bushes that were surrounding the area.

"Uh..hey.." a beautiful, black-haired boy came out. Hand on the back of his neck, his eyes closed and warm smile on his beautiful face.

"Hey, you are that guy from yesterday, aren't you?" Jeongguk smiled, coming closer to boy and offering him hand to shake.

"Yes, my name is Taemin. Lee Taemin. And I wanted to apologise to you in person. I gave you much trouble yesterday." He shook Jeongguk's hand and bowed politely.

"You are well raised kid Taemin, how old are you?" Jeongguk smiled.

"19, not much younger than you sir. I heard you are 22 tomorrow, isn't that true?"

"For the fact I am." Jeongguk sighed, "Years are just passing by and I am still the same. Sad, poor teen, with a stupid dream."

"Not to be mean, but dreams are never stupid." Taemin added, smiling at Jeongguk who just looked at him.

"Would you like to join me for tea?" Jeongguk suddenly asked. "We can finish our conversation then, if you have time ofcourse."

"That would be my pleasure sir, sure I will. But won't Lord Taehyung mind the fact that I, maid, am drinking tea with his sister's husband?" Taemin asked, worried.

"Lord Taehyung?" Jeongguk asked confused, he swears that he heared people refering Taehyung as lord, few times already. But never paid attention to it.

"Yes, you haven't known? My oh my, what have I done !" Taemin got startled for a moment and Jeongguk took his hand.

"Don't worry about it and lord Taehyung wouldn't mind if you join me for tea."

"Then sure I will !" Taemin followed Jeongguk who sat in the middle of the garden where glass table was placed, with beautiful willow chairs painted in snowy-white colour.

"Good morning sir Jeongguk. Can I bring you something?" A beautiful lady came, maid Rosie, the mansion's politest maid. Everyone adored her, while village was jelous and men perplexed about the fact that lady so ineffable worked as an ordinary maid. But everyone have their own story, so does Rosie. Her story isn't as beautiful as Cinderella or Rapuazel and isn't meant to be told right now.

"Good morning Rosie, beautiful day isn't it?" Jeongguk smiled, standing up for a second just to bow infront of beautiful maid, maners always come first. Rosie noded on man's question and smiled widely. "Me and Taemin would like some green tea. It's perfect for some conversation, don't you think Taemin?"

"Indeed it is, sir." Taemin smiled to Rosie, not Jeongguk. Feeling euphoric while seeing the blush he caused. Rosie bid them a goodbye and went to prepare tea.

"What is your dream Taemin?" Jeogguk sudenly asked, his eyes looking at white roses that glowed under warm sun.

"Mine? I like dancing, I would like to dance infront of thousands of people, getting all the looks. To dance under the stars, but that it is me who actually shines. I'd like to show the world my hard work and seduce everyone with my moves." He said, blushing a little. Jeongguk smiled, still not taking his look away from beautiful roses.

"Dance, huh? What about singing?"

"It's nice I guess. People say I have a beautiful voice, but dance is my only love ! And sir, the stories are told that you sing like an angel ! That there is no better singer in this world than you yourself." Jeongguk chuckled at this. He hadn't sing in months. So much stress and pressure he was under these days just took away everything from him, including singing. "Please sir, if you can, sing me something. Take me in the world unknown with you beautiful voice ! Oh please sir, please !" Taemin's eyes were shining and big, they really showed interest in Jeongguk's abilitys.

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