The bottom

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Sorry for the mistakes, this is a chapter I don't want to read. I wrote it and that's all.


Were you ever standing on an edge of a building or a cliff perhaps? And had some strange urge to just spread your arms and jump? Standing with one leg in grave and still breathing the air?

Sometimes, like that Jeongguk felt. Being free before you die, wouldn't that be orphic? Freedome followed by death, ironic isn't it? The closer to death we get, the more free we are says the legend. So we live to reach the freedom and once we do we die and that's whole our existance in literal meaning. Scary, isn't it?

Jeongguk and Taehyung walked through the streets, hand in hand. Quiet was the walk, none daring to speak. So they just walked for now, each talking with his own mind. The trip that began not long ago, mayhaps is ending now, but who will know? What a shame would it be to reacreate Romeo and Juliet. Such a cheep, worthless story, overrated days of non-existent glory.

Step and one more, harder Taehyung's heart got, neither he knew why, neither the author did.

"Where to?" Jeongguk asked, his voice small.

"To the edge of the world." Answerd the elder, voice deep, harmonising with the ruffling of leaves.

"What did you tell to Barbara?" He held the conversation alive. "I mean, what did you tell her we were doing tonight?"

"It is not her business to worry about. She shall look at her own path, but I left her a letter for the dawn, just in case something wild runs through my mind." He pulled the crumpled pack of cigarettes and took just one.

"2..?" Jeongguk read it like a question. Taehyung looked at him and smiled. It means that this is the penultimate cigarette in my life. After the smoke of this one is gone, one more is only left. After the last one, not a single one will I ever put between my lips." He put the cigarette between his cracked, dry lips.

"Why do you smoke?"

"I honestly don't know. Maybe to feel power? Cigarette is toxic, it kills. Yet I'm still here talking to you, I'm holding death between my lips and I'm not dead." Jeongguk smiled.

"You are weird." Taehyung nodded.

"I know." He watched the smoke of his cigarette creating an ineffable pictures in the air.

"Are you scared of death?" Jeongguk asks, going through the smoke with his fingers.

"Maybe. Sometimes. Death is just a metaphor for something that is comming, we don't know if it is good or bad, we just guess the worst. Society taught us that death is the end. But I don't think so, maybe death is beautiful? Just maybe, but I don't know that for sure. But sometimes, it's not that I'm scared, but I just want to stay on this level, with you next to me. You make me happy, so I wish for death not to come. Not to take away my happiness, I doubt I'll have you on the next level." He just looked at Taehyung.

"You're so brave..I'm scared of, so scared. I'm scared that once I die I will be surrounded by internal darkness, that I would be in some kind of trans and never wake up from it. Sometimes I wish to die, since life is not easy, but I'm scared, so damn scared.." Jeongguk whispered hugging him thighly.

"There is no reason for you to be scared my darling. There is always next level. When flower rot, it leaves seeds and new flower grows up. The new flower might be more beautiful or it might be ugly. But it is still the same flower and people love it equally. Though, you should not think about death, my darling. It is still long life waiting for you. So many adventures could happen tomorrow. Do not waste happiness for thinking of the things you don't have proof for. It is stupid to think about death when you don't know what will happen, don't you think so?" he noded.

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