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Please don't mind the mistakes, there is a lot of them in this chap, pls comment if u see any, thank u thank u thank uuuuu


It's been a week since the accident, Annie was still not there and the officer who called hima few days prior and he was starting to worry. He hadn't sleep for three days, he was drinking whiskey more than usually.

"Any news?" Jeongguk entered the living room and sat next to him on sofa. Taehyung just shook his head, throwing away one used cigarette.

"I'm worried Jeongguk, what if something happend to her? I couldn't deal with that." Taehyung cried out.

"It will be okay Taehyung, we can thole this together, okay?" Jeongguk tried to hug him, but Taehyung moved away, standing up.

"No Jeonguuk, you don't understand this. It's serious, I've already lost Jennie and Barbara, I can't lose Annie !" He marched through the doors and left Jeongguk alone. Jeongguk felt sad and miserable. As he was about to run after him, he heard a loud noise coming from upstairs.

At first he was scared, since he and Taehyung were the only ones at home, but neverthless he sluggishly went upstairs. He climbed every stair as carefuly as he could, he imagined he was walking over boxes full of eggs, he can't break.

Once he was there he tried to be as quiet as he could and the noise was heard again, coming from Jennie and Annie's room, his hand found it's way on the door knob and he slowly pulled it down. When the click from the doors was heard the noise stoped it scared him, but he went inside, seeing nothing but an open window. He breathed out and sat on a small, pink bed. He looked at plushys which were laying all over the bed, he softly smiled, remembering how little girls loved to play.

"Boo !" Jeongguk screamed and jumped.

"Don't behave like you saw a ghost, oh wait." Person infront of him grinned, causing younger to faint. He blinked few times, looking at unconsious body on the floor. Never in a world he though this would happen.

"Can I quit this job?" he sighed, putting Jeongguk on bed and sipping some black, sparkling liquid over him.

Jeongguk jumped once again and screamed, looking completly out of his mind, petrified.

"Are we just going in circles? This isn't how it works usually."

"Excuse me, but who are you and how did you enter this house?" Jeongguk asked, standing up from pink bed and  moving backwards.

"My name is Zain Malik, but call me Zayn. Anyway I am here to help you." Zayn grinned, offering his hand to Jeongguk who just looked at it for some time, but didn't shook it, so Zayn just moved his hand away.


"Well I happen to know where Annie is and I'm sure you are searching for her, but it takes a price to bring her here." Jeongguk relaxed and sat next to Zayn.

"What's the price?"

"Seriously? That's the first thing you ask a random guy, hot guy may I correct my ownself, who came to your house to tell you that he knows where is your love's missing child and that he can lead you to her with some price, may I add that I came from parallel, alternative universe?" he smiled looking at him.

"Well if I can bring her back I would do anyth- wait you came from where?!"

"Parallel universe, we call it Alterland, but whatever. And in this universe I am practicly a ghost."

"Whoa, whoa, whoa. What are you talking about?" Jeongguk was petrified, well we can say he was still petrified from the moment he saw Zayn.

"Well there are ten univeres, divided into pairs of two which each of is parallel and alternative to the other. Your universe is called Space, weird I know and alternative of yours is Alterland, that's where I came from. Then we have four more pairs; Woodraw and Goldeline, Fireland and Iceland but they really are Fire and Ice universes, but you shouldn't go there it will either freeze your firess mind or burn your cold attidude. Ahahahaha see what I did there, huh?" He laughed, but Jeongguk was just looking at him with questioning face. "Not fuuny eh? You were always the boring universe..anyway Wonderland and Normland and Neverland and Growland being the last ones, you heard about Neverland and Wonderland?" Zayn blinked and smiled.

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